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Knacker’s yard for billions

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Especially for PortoFranko the situation in the Primorsky Oceanarium, commented the leader of the program “Dialogues about animals” Ivan zatevahin

Vladivostok is in shock. No other word will not pick up. A couple of days ago, the city discussed the death of a sea lion stark, who was found with lacerations on his head. In the morning of October 25, reported the deaths of two Whiteside dolphins. Animals died within a few hours. According to eyewitnesses, from the jaws of the dolphins were foam…
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The Director of the aquarium Vadim Serkov refused to comment, “in order to preserve the interests of the investigation”. What happened to the dolphins, the experts soon will understand, but it was almost confirmed that lion stark scored with a hammer. As reported by the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina Wolf, a criminal case on this fact was initiated under article “cruelty to animals”.

Alas, the stark lion and two dolphins-butterflies — not the first victim of the seaside aquarium. Over the past three years were 14 officially announced the deaths of marine mammals: it’s a walrus, dolphins, seals. A series of deaths began in late 2014. You can remember the anonymous letter to the media workers of the aquarium. It was a cry of despair, no names, however, but with facts, which captured the imagination of journalists. Then, if anyone has forgotten, killed six animals. The letter explains why. It was said that in the water the dolphins were allegedly incorrect PH level. The sea otter three times out of enough safe cells and the fourth died. Walrus Thor died after swallowing the left rope. Half lived in the aquarium fish-Karamov died because of blackouts. Where had disappeared two seals, the story just silent…

Commenting on the scandal, the Director of the Institute of marine biology, far East branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Andrei Adrianov said that the deaths of animals occur in the best aquariums in the world, and from it nobody is insured. At that moment, citizens have created an online petition to President Putin with the requirement “to provide a comfortable environment for living marine animals, to exclude completely neglect him.” Apparently, to Putin’s petition has not reached. Because what continues happening in the seaside aquarium after its opening, can be called in one word — a mess. Whether it conceivable: sea lion beaten with a hammer by an employee of the aquarium! Yes, then the Director remains the only publicly drown. I mean, immediately to resign because recruitment is an area of responsibility. And if footage of pounding hammers unique sea animals on their heads, who, in the first place, the head is not in order?..

It so happened that the theme of the aquarium we recently discussed with a knowledgeable person. So, he argued that in the pools with marine animals is not maintained temperature, the water is much warmer than it should be. Because of this, in particular, practically mad walrus. Warm water activates the animal instinct of reproduction, the walrus was violent. But it is bad. People with a subtle sense of smell can clearly feel the on-site swimming pools smell of chlorine. As you know, chlorine is absolutely contraindicated the dolphins, they begin the allergic, itchy skin.

Maybe it is already loud from all the stands, to ask the question: by what right do we put in prison and tormented by reasonable mammals? No need to explain who the dolphins are. Dolphin is not a fish-a flounder, not a sea cucumber, not starfish. It is quite intelligent creatures, and not in vain, the government of India decided to grant dolphins the status of “personality, but not the man.” India has decided to ban the exploitation of dolphins in the entertainment business. The Ministry of environment and forests of India insists that dolphins “should have their specific rights”. Last year a group of scientists, philosophers, and environmentalists have provided to the public the draft Declaration on the rights of dolphins and cetaceans. Perhaps no one in the world doubts that dolphins have a unique intelligence and identity. Don’t even want to think what thoughts were in the mind of these two unfortunate prisoners of the pool when they were dying in the best, the biggest and most new Russian aquarium.

Ironically, October 21, the day that killed sea lion stark, on the Russky island have completed the work of the international ecological forum “Nature without borders”.

Especially for PortoFranko the situation was commented by the author and the leader scientifically-the popular program “Dialogues about animals”, candidate of biological Sciences Ivan ZATEVAHIN:

—I am convinced that the problem of death of animals in aquariums is not only of negligence and, apparently, the mental health of individual employees of these institutions, as in the aquariums. Is to develop the commercial display of marine mammals, there will be cases of negligence, abuse and irresponsibility.

Of course, such a highly social animal like a Dolphin born at the aquarium, the freedom to live independently. there is no necessary survival skills. Pinnipeds and especially marine mammals — Beluga whales, small dolphins, killer whales a day pass dozens, and sometimes hundreds of kilometers, while in complex interactions with each other. It is a natural, normal state. Therefore, I am convinced that the capture of marine mammals for the needs of dolphinariums should be immediately banned!

Animal intelligence that allows you to learn a computer language to communicate with a trainer, living in family groups that preserve the continuity of centuries, may not be removed from the wild, from his family and being subjected to restriction of freedom in the commercial interests of any group of people. somehow in one of interview to one of the hunting magazines, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he does not hunt, because animals in nature do not have much. So, the capture of marine mammals for the aquarium — same hunt. It’s time to stop.

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