Washington will insist that the Ukrainian authorities “did not divert from the right path of reforms,” so as not to lose the support of the IMF.
This was announced by U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry. In addition, he reminded that Ukraine is still not eradicated corruption.
According to Kerry, a few weeks ago, he spoke with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko during his visit to Switzerland. And gave him an “educational conversation”.”We insist on very hard, to try to ensure reforms in place that are also frankly require certain steps within the framework of the Minsk process”, — said Kerry.
In this case, Kerry said that Washington would “closely monitor”, as Kiev fulfills its obligations and international requirements. At the moment, the results, as frankly Kerry said, “not impressive”.
Earlier, U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry said that Washington is on the side of Ukraine and its allies against the backdrop of worsening situation in Europe.