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Kamchatka on holiday in the Crimea on the buffet rice, buckwheat and pea soup

Камчатцы об отдыхе в Крыму: на шведском столе рис, гречка и гороховый суп

Residents of Kamchatka prefer to fly to the Crimea “savages”

From Kamchatka to Crimea travel companies do not organize sending groups of tourists, as the residents prefer to fly out on holiday in a new subject of Russia “savages”. As told the correspondent of IA REGNUM in one of the tour companies, tours rarely buys.

“It happens that a few people during the season buy. It is usually either local residents, sending elderly parents to a sanatorium, or those who are flying to the Crimea for the first time. But their small number, as people prefer to relax in the Crimea alone. Basically, those who fly, not to reserve there accommodation while looking for housing from local residents,” — said in the travel company.

While tours to the Crimea cost the Kamchatka is not cheap, but the service and food leave much to be desired, told the correspondent of IA REGNUMOksana Kovalev, who not long ago returned from vacation.

“I paid 130 for two thousand rubles, and went with the child on the voucher. We lived in a hotel. I paid for the buffet, which every day was one dish with no choice — once the pea soup, the second — buckwheat, the third — Fig. Had to demand the book of complaints, and that the child was not hungry, went to a cafe. Service, of course, no. For the same money I would be well rested, and would, for example, in Cyprus”, — says Olga.

According to another otpusknie, it is better to have a rest “savages” — the rest will be cheaper.

“If, “savage”, it is cheaper only in terms of housing. Key products prices are not much different from Kamchatka. Fruit, of course, cheaper, but cherry for 320-350 rubles for Crimea as expensive, I think. No infrastructure,” complains also recently returned from vacation Elena Aleksandrova.

Kamchatka is not yet ready statistics on departure of local residents on holiday in other regions. But from the information on forums and in social networks it is clear that people travel to Primorsky, Khabarovsk and Krasnodar territory. Many of those who rest in the Crimea. At the same time, from 10 to 12 thousand people every year fly from Kamchatka Peninsula in the Charter for a holiday abroad. In the Internet people write that they prefer to rest abroad, although because of the crisis, these tourists, of course, became less.

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