Home / Photo report / Just a magical landscape: the baobab alley. Photo

Just a magical landscape: the baobab alley. Photo

Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. ФотоThis place is known all over the world and it is the dream of any true traveler.

The baobab is indisputably one of the most unusual on the planet of trees. Hard to find this plant as impressive, powerful and, moreover, with the roots instead of the crown.

So think about it many of the inhabitants of Madagascar and Africa, the homeland and “habitat”, the baobab.

As stated in one of the African legend, one day the Lord God was angry over something, grabbed the baobab, pulled it out by the roots from the ground, and then stuck the crown back down. And so it happened that the roots of the tree were at the top. Legend legend, but the baobab, indeed, like a tree with roots instead of branches, in a time when shed their leaves.

The baobab tree mainly growing in Madagascar, there is another species in Africa and Australia. One of the most famous places of growth of this tree was a dirt road between the cities Belon’i Tsiribihina and Morondava in the region Menabe in the West of Madagascar. Here the baobab trees, which usually grow in distance from each other, formed a sort of alley. Once (and trees, as considered by scientists, for about 800 years) they grew in a dense tropical forest. But gradually, people cut down the forests, and baobab trees left.

About 20-25 trees lined up along the road in a kind of alley of the baobab trees, each about 30 meters in height, represent a very unusual landscape that attracts in this area of curious tourists.

Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото
Просто волшебный пейзаж: аллея баобабов. Фото

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