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It became known as the artificial lighting is harmful to health

Стало известно, как искусственное освещение вредит здоровью A study of Dutch scientists.

Medical center Leiden University found that the violation of the natural rhythms of alternation of light and darkness introduces an imbalance in many body systems, writes Science Daily. In particular, was Pro-inflammatory activation of the immune system, manifested early signs of osteoporosis. Fortunately, these problems can be corrected if you go back in normal mode.

Scientists conducted an experiment with mice. The animals were subjected to continuous light exposure for 24 weeks. Experts analyzed the brain activity. It turned out, the light was reduced the manifestations of normal rhythmic schemes in suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain by 70%.

And this, in turn, provoked the restrictions in the muscular muscles, bones started to thin, ran a Pro-inflammatory reaction is usually observed on the background of the presence of pathogens. But after the mice returned to a normal cycle of light-darkness for two weeks, the neurons quickly came back to normal and the other problems disappeared.

The findings alarm doctors. The fact that 75% of people around the world are forced to contact with artificial lighting. The light is always on in nursing homes, intensive care units. Also, millions of people work at night.

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