Home / World / ISIS militants brutally massacred an Iraqi family

ISIS militants brutally massacred an Iraqi family

Боевики ИГИЛ жестоко расправились с иракской семьейTerrorists continue to shock with their brutality.

Public execution of family members, including three children, was in Riyadh Iraqi city of Kirkuk. The reason for the massacre was the attempt to leave controlled terrorists territory. The militants are using civilians as human shields in case of attack on the occupied settlements.

Recall, may 11, in Iraq the terrorists dealt with his former associates, charged with desertion. Alive were buried 35 victims.

In total, according to human rights organisation “the Syrian Observatory for human rights”, published in late April, the terrorists of ISIS recently executed 4144 Syrians and foreigners. The militants also killed about 400 of its supporters for various infractions.

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