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ISA Anokhina decided to give birth with her husband


Only a few days left before the ISA Anokhina second time become a mother. Business lady and her husband Dmitry Anokhin already know that they have a boy. A few months ago, the ISA has decided to give birth in Moscow in the perinatal center, which was born on her eldest son Sam.



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“Sam gave birth by cesarean. It was not my choice, and the testimony of the doctor. It was impossible to prevent fights, so the COP was planned. At 38 weeks, without contractions, without pain, but with the strongest fear I went to the hospital. I gave birth there in the first PMC @aist_i_kapusta (Perinatal Medical Center on Sebastopol Avenue “Mother and Child”). It all happened very quickly, nicely and with a laugh)) I managed to joke the whole operation) and was cheered by the doctors) when I saw Sam for the first time, of course, flowed with tears. Tears of joy and unbelievable happiness,” shared with subscribers of their Instagram Anokhin (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx. ed.).


ISA says that she wants to have a second child the natural way: “to Experience all the delights of childbirth and to charge the necessary hormones. But the probability to give birth naturally 50: 50. To risk the baby and yourself is not going to) so under the guidance of the best doctors PMTS will pass my due date) I listen to them all! And if I had re-COP, in the PMC it will be as natural childbirth”.


Anokhin added that during labor with her husband is: “to experience all the feelings that I have) and my entire charge of oxytocin when the baby will get it) we are waiting for the birth of our son) and I am very happy that I have no fear of all that awaits me) because next will be better)”.


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