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Is there life after birth? Pregnant Svetlana Anokhina starred in the reality show


The TV “Home” started filming continue the show “Pregnant”. Heroines of transfer will become its former contestants Sasha Zvereva, Daria Pynzar, tutta Larsen, and “the new girl” ISA Anokhina, which is now preparing to become a mother for the second time.



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Show tell four different stories about girls who have one thing in common — love for their children.

“Sometimes children can be difficult, sometimes patience is almost over and your only desire remains with his head down in the pillow. But despite this, I am 100% convinced that being a mother is not a burden, but real happiness! And if there is also a good dad, life with children is turning into a Paradise,” said ISA.

The recognition hit home that the show is for her an opportunity to talk about their experiences (from the TV presenter has three children), to share knowledge and answer questions relating to any women on parenting, career and relations with her husband.

Sasha Zvereva their participation in the program wants to dispel the stereotypes about star mothers: “Many viewers think they’re surrounded by a bunch of assistants, and their daily routine consists only of regular visits to the stylists and makeup artists. But any mother in Africa remains mother: sometimes she can’t sleep at nights, walking in dirty clothes, no time to do manicure, and sometimes even crying from exhaustion and despair.

Daria Pynzar hoped that the experience of each of them will help the spectators to find answers to all their questions.


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