Home / Economy / Is it necessary to introduce in Russia the unconditional basic income?

Is it necessary to introduce in Russia the unconditional basic income?

To paraphrase the Communist Manifesto, we can say:
A specter is haunting Europe — the specter of a Basic Income

Нужно ли ввести в России безусловный основной доход?

The idea to write this article was born during the discussion of survey results
public opinion on the eve of the Swiss referendum on the introduction of a basic income.
Very rarely my and the founder of our community’s views on world events
disagree. However, our views on the introduction of a basic income did not match. I have two hands for,
and Steven Lerner – against. So I will try here to present his arguments in more detail.

Start with the Constitution. Chapter 2, article 20, paragraph 1: “Everyone has the right to life“.
Sounds nice, but in reality? In fact, each is not even guaranteed minimum
paid work in the place of residence. Well, if he was born and grew up in the country?
Albeit there is even a store there. But there are no jobs. What is this life without money and food?
In fact, you have the right either to die of hunger or to survive as best he can.
Let’s say you are lucky to be born in the city and parents left you a legacy
apartment. In the Constitution it is written (CH. 2, V. 25): “the home is inviolable“.
But in reality? It is necessary to pay a few thousand every month. Amass
debts will be taken away inviolable and will be evicted. If home ownership, and more
the tax must be paid. Turns out you have TWICE the money the state needs.
This is the reverse side of the article 40, paragraph 1: “Everyone has the right to housing.”
Have the right to housing, but with twice the responsibility to pay for it.
Tell you need a law is either not secured, or otrashenie debt?
An unconditional Basic Income (BOD) instantly fixes everything. He
could provide real, not fictitious right to life, and to housing.

Once in my youth (40 years ago) I was returning from Pushkin Svyatogorye
Peter picked up on the Kiev highway companion. A middle-aged man went in
some Lespromkhoz between Pskov and Luga. I drove it for two hours, and all this time
he gave me Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam interspersed with poems of Vladimir Vysotsky,
(of course from memory) and built a semantic parallel. Even
in those days the Soviet people could not 100% be given to calling
what the Creator vouchsafed them. Of the time they have taken the timber industry.
Still can’t forgive myself for 5 rubles received from passenger fares.
The luxury of communicating with people, who developed his mind to such heights, it is impossible
to buy for any money. This event reminded me because many
people put government in conditions which do not give them chance to find
the calling, to understand that they could do better than all other people.
Endless mind-numbing makes the need to take any job, only
to solve the pressing problems. And so again and again. And the rulers conveniently
to keep the people in poverty, in a state of constant struggle for survival.
A quarter of a century with his knees up, and the yard is again a crisis but still a recession.
BOD frees people from this exhausting struggle for survival. Who
can you say how many new Lomonosov, Kulibin, and Tropinina
Sakinah will reveal their talents only because they have finally
free time? I think that the effect of the introduction of a basic income is possible
will be compared only with the abolition of serfdom. And what YOKE empty stomach
better the yoke of the greedy landowner? Both require you to work for him. BOD takes off
you yoke an empty stomach. That is oppressive and enslaving power needs.

That are coming a time of auto production and Autonomous vehicle
it is written already enough. This will lead to a tremendous release
people from spheres of production, services and transport. Appears millions of new
unemployed. To life in the new economic conditions we need to prepare
in advance. Europe really is preparing for the introduction of the POD, began to appear first
article about the need for a speedy introduction of the BOD and in the American press.
Even in Russia there was one curious document. It is clear that while this
only the PR campaign of the Communists. As a legislative initiative, the introduction of BOD
can offer either the ruling party or the administration of the President.
Looking at the miserable pensions of Russians, hard to believe that the current government
is able to.

In conclusion, let me quote from any American article:
“Just like on the roads in ten years will drive the cars without drivers,
and the economy of the 21st century will consist of consumers, not producers,
and they need purchasing power. If we do not secure themselves in
a short time of absolute income, the future will crash into us like a truck.
Autonomous truck that we’ve been sent on my…

To prevent such an outcome would be very silly – in the end, is technology
don’t need to give us the opportunity to get what you want? We do not
should be afraid of losing their jobs, we should welcome this opportunity.

What do You think is it necessary to introduce in Russia the unconditional basic income?

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Total votes: {{ rs.votes_count }}

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