Home / Business / In the Network sign the petition against the divorce of Angelina Jolie and brad pitt

In the Network sign the petition against the divorce of Angelina Jolie and brad pitt


The news about the divorce of the most beautiful celebrity couple, actors Angelina Jolie and brad pitt shocked the world. Rumors about the quarrels in the family of actors went a long time, but no one could believe that the couple do break up. Now in shock are not only fans of the couple, but also many celebrities, that the marriage of Angelina and brad seemed ideal.



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Recently, the Network even has a petition calling not to allow the divorce of actors. “A few days ago the news about the divorce of Hollywood actors Angelina Jolie and brad pitt flew all over the Internet. For many years they were the perfect couple example for millions of people from all corners of the planet. Now the whole world can lose faith in love. This should not happen. Together, we can prevent it!” — I wrote to the author of the petition Konstantin Andreev from Zaporozhye.

At the moment, the petition has collected 218 signatures. The protesters are dismayed by the breakup of a couple and hope to somehow influence the situation. For divorce, pitt and Jolie responded and the soloist of group “Leningrad” Sergey Shnurov. In his characteristic manner, the singer expressed everything he thinks about, including on the petition.


“The petition, b***s, they sign a petition for any reason. Express and require, resent and resent, send text messages in TV, vote and scribble comments. Are there any results from this flurry of activity? No. Life goes on as usual, and casually twirls his calloused x** all opinions and votes, calmly sweeping the past under the endless cries of “Give! Return! — wrote the artist in his Instagram (Spelling and punctuation more. — Approx. ed.).

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