Home / World / In the Bulgarian port arrested the ship with 12 Ukrainian citizens

In the Bulgarian port arrested the ship with 12 Ukrainian citizens

В болгарском порту арестован корабль с 12 гражданами УкраиныUkrainians owed wages since March.

In the Bulgarian port of Burgas on the decision of the district court arrested the Amur ship with 12 Ukrainian citizens on Board. A cargo ship under the Bulgarian flag stands in the roadstead of the port on June 24.

The reason for the delay of the ship was the debt of the shipowner Amur Shipping in the payment of salaries to the crew. So, the debt to the ship’s captain, a Bulgarian national, who has applied to the court for the period from 23 March to 20 June amounted to 20.6 thousand dollars.

The remaining 12 crew members, Ukrainian, owed 150 thousand dollars.

Previously, the ship Amur was called the Asian Dream. The name change happened in March this year, when the Amur Shipping company became the owner of the ship. According to the newspaper, founders of the shipping company is the Greek businessmen.

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