In Odessa the police on Sunday, 6 March detained four officers of one of the units. Military personnel are suspected of committing a robbery, according to the portal Корреспондент.net.
A police patrol received information about a robbery on the street Panteleymonovskaya. “As it turned out, for a group of four young people, among whom was girl, was attacked and robbed — a woman hit and stole a mobile phone,” said the police.
The patrol detained one of suspects of a crime, one more detained victims themselves. After the detainees were taken to the Department them to the rescue of two friends arrived, who also was arrested.
“Drunk offenders were taken to the police station. In the course of establishing the identities of the detainees revealed that they are officers of a military unit of Odessa”, — noted in police.
Detainees transferred it is investigative-task force of the police and informed the leadership of the military unit.