Home / World / In Germany in the woods found the remains of girl who disappeared 15 years ago

In Germany in the woods found the remains of girl who disappeared 15 years ago

В Германии в лесу нашли останки девочки, пропавшей 15 лет назадPeggy Knobloch disappeared in 2001 on the way home from school.

The remains found by a mushroom picker in a forest in Germany is likely to belong to the missing 15 years ago nine-year-old Peggy Knobloch, believes the Bavarian Prosecutor’s office.

The bones were discovered in Bavaria over the weekend close to home, where the family lived girls.

Peggy Knobloch disappeared in 2001 on the way home from school. Taken by the police a massive search came to no avail.

The girl’s body was never found, investigators initially believed that she was abducted and taken abroad.
In 2002 in the murder of Peggy was accused of being a man with mental disabilities, who confessed to the crime.

See also: Mexico city found the skeleton of a mammoth that lived 14 million years ago

He later refused recognition, however, in 2004, received a life sentence and served his sentence in a psychiatric hospital.

Ten years later the sentence was reviewed and he was released.

Currently, the Bavarian Prosecutor’s office awaits the findings of forensic experts to conduct DNA tests to determine whether the found remains belong to Peggy Knobloch.

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