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Identified as an effective tool for skin rejuvenation

Названо эффективное средство для омоложения кожиMask of oatmeal can perform miracles.

In order that the skin remains supple and radiant, it is necessary to regularly indulge masks. Many women say that a special effect after using oatmeal.

They are the main ingredient for the “salad of beauty”, but no less beneficial effect on the skin when applied topically. They contain antioxidants that prevent aging, trace elements, toning the skin and polysaccharides, which is a great moisturizer.

Oatmeal has lots of vitamins, providing anti-inflammatory effect, relieves peeling and normalize metabolic processes. Oats are inexpensive, but very effective. To prepare facial masks out of oatmeal you will need a “Hercules”, not packets, which is quick-cooking porridge.

Who is

Feature of oats is that they are suitable for owners of any skin type. Teenagers with problematic skin, oatmeal will help get rid of acne and blackheads. Girls suffering from peeling, and will experience the amazing effect of moisture and no irritation. On oily skin will clean pores will disappear the unhealthy Shine. Mature ladies will notice that face regained vitality and became more elastic. Normal skin will become softer and will get the necessary nutrition.


The hair are removed by the band or scarf, and face cleared. Fingers running gentle massage, warming the skin. For a few minutes on the face is overlaid with a towel dampened with warm water. If you have free time you can take a shower or steam face over a bowl of hot water. This will allow the skin to absorb the maximum nutrients.

The mask of oatmeal for oily skin

Ingredients: you will need 1 Cup of rolled oats, a tablespoon of baking soda and sea salt. All together, grind in a blender, mix well and pour into a jar with a screw cap. To prepare the mask, a small amount of the mixture is diluted with warm milk or warm yogurt to the consistency of thick cream. The mask is applied to the prepared face. After 8-10 minutes, rinse with warm water and lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

The mask of oatmeal for dry skin

Ingredients: oat flakes, liquid honey. Optionally, you can add olive oil, almond oil and natural yogurt. All together mixed to produce a thick sticky mass. It is applied to cleansed face for 15-20 minutes, after which wash it off with warm water. This mask will help to improve the complexion and has nourishing properties.

The mask of oatmeal for aging skin

Ingredients: oat flakes, brewed black or green tea. You will need 2 tbsp of oatmeal and a small amount of welding. Green tea contains large amounts of antioxidants, providing anti-aging effects. Black tea improves the complexion.

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