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I look sad

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And you know, let’s re-read. Just not in school, without “expression”. Let’s try as if you don’t think about it, to listen…

“It is sad… for our generation… the Future… is dark… In the omission of old… Rich… errors… and late… the mind… good and evil… indifferent… to the risk of a wimpy…… before the authorities… slaves Dried up… um… Hope… soul… cold… To the tomb… hurry… looking… back… Go… throwing centuries… genius started labor.”

Well, for his generation, Mikhail, perhaps, too strict. Threw it generation centuries the work begun by geniuses. Yes – even his own. With our worse – does not leave us this work to continue. Russia neither to wash, nor from slavery to clean, no blue uniforms, no devotion to them. Inaction, indifference to good, and cowardice with envy to the best hopes of this as you want. Cold at heart too. Ago head so turned that her in the other direction to turn. But with the geniuses bad.

Here gathered the best people in the country and abroad in Vilnius. For example, the second Congress of the RSDLP. And rightly so – that in Vilnius: of the nine deputies of the first Congress of the RSDLP assembled in Minsk, arrested eight. Gathered the best, namely Koch, Bozhena Rynska, Eugene Chirikov, and of someone else, and began to discuss. What?

Kleptocracy in Russia or a mafia state? Interesting question ? Interesting. If the degenerated mode is already from authoritarian to totalitarian or still? And it’s an interesting question. Foreigners will help us or not help? How to implement a democratic transition as soon as possible (translated with svobodnoradikal – the transition to democracy)? Another interesting question – about the results of the elections. “Election” – pay attention – without the quotes. Also it is an interesting question: and what is interesting about the results? Finally, the coordination of the actions of the protest groups, development of standard methods of protest and opposition confrontation between the groups. UV said…

History repeats itself as a farce. Farcical autocracy. Farcical grandeur. Farcical revolutionaries…

What is the difference from neverovich? Full of ideas. The lack of any intelligible ideas. Slogans – freedom, democracy… is not the Idea. No idea what should be Russian society, how to use their freedom, what should be its democracy.

No idea – no and target. There is no purpose – there is no coherent program. Well, it means nothing at all. And there are a collection of very strange people, a part of which is directly and personally responsible for the situation in Russia, part known, part of ethical omnivorous (it is to say it mildly – harder-to be a tolerance and, worse, sympathy for Goodlatte), and so on. But it would be so bad – angels we have nowhere to take. The trouble is that they and their party believe this contrast is normal.

Of course, a good topic – the creation of an alternative network media. She, in fact, slowly created. But what’s the sense in these conversations when and not an alternative media – the same HEDGEHOG, Kasparov, Faces of old, and younger – Snob, Elephant, jellyfish – stay rave. And what else could they be, when there is no king in his head, not understanding, what do we want? Yes replace Putin today on anyone, though Shoigu and we will sidesa excited and choke with sweet hopes: that’s flooded, that’s lucky!.. Again do nothing!! Again pascavale can!!!

Not bad that in Vilnius, or Berlin is going the next get-together. In the end, if it was (and is) scientific tourism, why not be political? Vilnius is a pretty city, there’s still the first social Democrats wanted their Convention to carry out. And Berlin is even better. The bad thing is that the alternative to such gatherings today and there can not be.

With modern means of communication can not spend for the tickets and rent, organizati any communication of several dozen people. Yes, even with the stream. It would wish. But the problem is that we have several dozen people who understand what we had to say. What is important for us today, and what is not.

But to understand this seemingly so simple. The main – alternative. Alternative to Putinism. Because without it, no criticism can’t be heard by society. What are you suggesting? And that is it. “”We already tried that… And all the casket was closed. Mafia they’re not the mafia, the thieves are not thieves, this layman is not enough. Even if killer – today it is not. Well killer, but to live it (even somehow) you can. What will you bring? Democracy? This is when I have the power to choose? So I did, and so choose: here, chose Putin. Or democracy is to I of Khodorkovsky chose? Freedom? And I am free. Even too. As plywood over Paris. I would, on the contrary, freedom to less and to care more. Anything else you have? Well, there’s respect? Dignity, maybe? And most importantly – these, Peti, METI? What? Need Peti, METI? Understand. Well, go…

No, looking at our generation, not rejoice. Maybe the next one? Yeah, no not really. And others like him to be? With such fathers…

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