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How to strengthen the heart and blood vessels folk remedies

Как укрепить сердце и сосуды народными средствамиLemon, currant and walnut to strengthen the blood vessels.

Traditional medicine is one of the most popular methods of treatment of vessels among the population because it has high confidence and does not require material costs.

Especially if the situation concerns the fragility of blood vessels, as a result of natural temporal changes in the body. An indispensable assistant in such cases are the healing herbs.

The most common recipes include:

Infusion on the basis of the harrow the field. For its preparation you need to mix half a liter of boiling water with 2 tablespoons of the crushed roots of the plant. Followed by a half hour of boiling on a small fire. Taken the infusion is chilled after straining, ½ Cup 3-4 times a day.

The leaves of the walnut as a tincture. Two teaspoons of crushed leaves pour 1-1. 5 cups of boiling water and infused until it cools down. You will take 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day.

Decoctions and infusions of the herb water pepper (smartweed). Are prepared similarly to the above methods.

The leaves and fruit of currants in the form of infusion: a tablespoon of dried berries infused in 250 ml of boiling water. If you drink half a Cup of this drink, it effectively strengthens the fragile capillaries.

The fruits of black chokeberry (Aronia). Effective in all causes of vascular fragility. It is possible to use them both fresh and in the form of juice, compote, sugar mixture.

Lemon juice. Preferably fresh-squeezed and diluted 1:3 with water and adding honey.

The rose hips. The infusion prepared from its berries. This requires 10 grams of dry fruit infuse in a Cup of boiling water. Take half a Cup 2 times a day.

It is very important to remember about blood clots while taking any means to strengthen the blood vessels, what is absolutely contraindicated persons who were forced to take krovanistaya drugs.

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