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How to maintain health: tips for older

Как максимально долго сохранить здоровье: советы пожилымTips older people how to maintain their health.

In old age you can feel worthy and not to have serious health problems. For this you need to think in advance about the coming age and to meet her fully armed. And then life with age does not lose its color and will be quite full.

To do this is to remember to pass the necessary examinations. But what kind of experts and how often – we will investigate.

Every six months

The elderly need to pass all the necessary tests at least once every six months (provided that nothing bothers). Not for anybody not a secret that disease prevention allows us to achieve a greater effect than treatment already pretty advanced forms of certain pathologies. And early diagnosis allows to promptly identify the early stage of disease development, which at the initial stage of the disease is usually asymptomatic. In this case, the treatment will not take much time. First need to visit the local therapist. He will make a plan of examination will appoint the main tests will determine the presence of any abnormalities.

Check heart

Many people of age start suffering from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the load which is transferred is much more complicated. The situation is exacerbated if a person for many years and there were bad habits. So you should take several studies of the heart, which will assess its work on all sides (cardiography, ultrasound examination of the heart and vascular system, cardiac MRI, echo-cardiography). This will enable specialists to notice the presence of any deviations in a timely manner and prescribe treatment.

Thrombosis prophylaxis

Due to natural age-related deterioration of body functions is a slowdown of blood flow, worsening vascular tone. This leads to the risk of developing thrombosis. Therefore, elderly people should see a phlebologist. This applies to both women and men.

The fight against hormones

You should visit an endocrinologist in order not to miss the initial stage of diabetes. In disorders from the thyroid gland fails the balance of substances, jumps, which can lead to unpredictable consequences – obesity, problems with goiter, the syndrome of hypocalcemia. Therefore it is necessary to pass the biochemical analysis of blood on hormones and do an ultrasound of the thyroid, blood test for sugar.

What about nerves?

Neurologist – his visit is just essential as all diseases of the nervous system are serious. Ischemia, neuralgia, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s – all this is traditionally age-related condition that severely reduce the quality of human life. The neurologist will be able to identify incipient pathological processes.

Gynecologist and urologist is mandatory

Also at the moment quite a lot of diagnosed cancers of the reproductive organs, which for years sometimes never show up. So it is mandatory at least once a year to visit the gynecologist (women) and urologists (for men), to avoid a deadly and very painful disease.

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