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How to get rid of dust mites – the best ways

Как избавиться от пылевых клещей – лучшие способыThemselves dust mites not to disturb anyone.

Dust mites are a real problem for Allergy sufferers worldwide.

Millions of these nasty creatures can live in your bed, carpets, soft furnishings, clothing or any other place.

To get rid of dust mites is very difficult, mainly because of the speed with which they breed. During its life the dust mite produces 200 times more waste than the weight of his body. And these waste can cause allergic reactions, breathing problems, coughing, nasal congestion, itching and lacrimation. They also can badly affect the quality of your sleep.

To completely remove ticks from the home is impossible, but can significantly reduce their numbers.

Here are 10 steps that you must take if you want to reduce the number of dust mites to a minimum.

Regularly wash linens
Your bed is warm, dark and humid place. This means that it is the ideal environment for life and reproduction of dust mites.

Fortunately, dust mites do not tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, washing bed linen at 60 degrees Celsius is enough to kill mites and clean underwear from their waste. Ironing will also help to keep dust mites to a minimum. Need a clean at least once a week.

Use anti-Allergy mattress and mattress cover
Studies have shown that in any, even the most pure mattress is from 10000 to a million of these microscopic parasites. Unfortunately, to clean the mattress from mites extremely difficult. But you can control their numbers.

Consider buying a hypoallergenic mattress and hypoallergenic mattress cover as a cheaper alternative. The mattress pad in this case acts as a barrier between your body and the contents of the mattress. Moreover, the mattress cover protects the mattress from contact with the moisture secreted by our bodies, which contributes to the proliferation of ticks.

Do not pick the bed immediately after sleep
Those who do not like to make your bed in the morning, waiting for the good news. You really don’t want to collect the bed immediately after sleep. Instead, bed linen better to leave unassembled or air.

The fact is that dust mites love moisture. They can’t drink water in the normal sense of the word, instead they absorb it from moist air. Thoroughly airing the bed after sleep, you will significantly worsen the living conditions of ticks.

Get rid of feather pillows and blankets
Duvets and pillows very difficult to wash, so they usually are an ideal place for mites.

Try to instead use hypoallergenic synthetic pillows and duvets. They can be washed at a temperature that destroys mites.

Get rid of carpets and rugs
One of the most effective ways of getting rid of ticks is the rejection of rugs and carpets. Carpets, like your bed – the perfect place to live mites, while linoleum, laminate or tile does not contribute to the growth of their population. In addition, the solid coating is easy to clean.

If you can’t get rid of carpets, vacuum them no less than 2-3 times a week. If you suffer from allergies to dust mites, use protective or a medical mask while cleaning.

You can also buy special sprays from dust mites and regularly treat all carpeting.

Control the temperature in the house
Mites like environment with a temperature of 24-27 degrees and high humidity. Maintaining a different temperature in the house will not kill them, but will slow down the rate of their reproduction. The ideal temperature for the house is the temperature below 21 degrees. This temperature is considered normal for a human being and unfavorable to dust mites.

Humidity below 70% reduces the reproductive rate of the mites. So try to maintain humidity in the apartment not more than 50% and often ventilate.

Get rid of curtains, soft toys and other soft fabric interior
Every time you push or move the curtains, dust mites spread into the air.

Replace curtains with blinds
Replace fabric decorative pillows pillows made from natural or artificial leather
Replace fabric sofas in sofas, made of natural or artificial leather, or regularly use a steam cleaner

If you don’t want to get rid of some fabric things, most of them wash and ventilate. Small items can be placed in the freezer for 24 hours, pre-wrapped in the package. This will kill dust mites.

Regularly wet cleaning
Be sure to remove dust with a damp cloth a few times a week. Especially those place that often collects dust. Don’t forget the surface of the cabinets, doors, space under sofas and beds.

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