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Here is the oldest condominium on the Ground. Photo

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. ФотоSix months island Pheasant belongs to the French municipality of Hendaye and the other half to the Spanish municipality of Irun.

The Isle of Pheasants – an amazing and unique place on our planet.

And we are not talking about its climate or landscape features. Uniqueness was given to him directly by the man himself.

In the distant 1659, the year France and Spain signed the peace Treaty of the Pyrenees, which defined the borders of States. There were the Isle of Pheasants, situated in the middle of the river Bidasoa. Since the border was carried out by the center of the river, which flows into the Atlantic ocean, the island was also first divided into two equal parts. But then the division of property was reversed.

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. Фото

Besides that, the island became the first in the history of the condominium, he was and still is the only object of joint ownership of the two States with the regular change of ownership.

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. Фото

Six months island Pheasant belongs to the French municipality of Hendaye and the other half to the Spanish municipality of Irun. In times of war, the island was neutral, which allowed here to conduct meeting of monarchs or the exchange of prisoners.

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. Фото

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. Фото

Every six months, officials from the two sides meet on the island and provide the documents of ownership.

Вот как выглядит самый старый кондоминиум на Земле. Фото

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