Home / Business / “He was proud of me as I am they”: Tatiana Navka told about the relationship with her husband

“He was proud of me as I am they”: Tatiana Navka told about the relationship with her husband

Persona Stars

Skater Tatiana Navka and press Secretary of the President of RF Dmitry Peskov was married last year. After the lovers have legalized relationship, she became more willing to communicate with journalists: Tatiana is interviewed, shows the daughter, talking about your professional and family life.

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Now Navka is in Sochi, where he performs in the show “Carmen”, while her husband is hard at work in Moscow. In an interview with “OK” Tatiana admitted that he still not accustomed to what they of Dmitry live separately from each other. On the other hand, it is temporary, and so they appreciate each other even more.

“Of course, we don’t like what we are now living separately. But, first, it is temporary. Second, we see each other at least once a week. Often I fly to him, he works very hard,” admitted the skater in an interview with OK!

Tatyana works hard, too. Both spouses have busy schedules, but it does not prevent family life. According to Navka, Dmitri they support each other in everything: “He was proud of me as I am them.”

Дмитрий Песков и Татьяна Навка стали мужем и женой 1 августа

Молодожены сыграли свадьбу на берегу Черного моря в Сочи

На торжество было приглашено более 100 VIP-гостей

На празднике также была старшая дочь Татьяны Навки, 15-летняя Саша

Татьяна Навка     instagram.com/mitvoltv/

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