Home / Business / Guard Angelina Jolie told how he prevented the assassination of the actress

Guard Angelina Jolie told how he prevented the assassination of the actress


A few days ago, a former bodyguard of the family Jolie-pitt mark Billingham again shocked the public with new details from the life of their former clients. It turns out that some time ago he saved angelina Jolie (Angelina Jolie) from assassination.


Experienced professional look security can easily identify dangerous people in the crowd, so it was with Billingham. Among the extras on the set mark drew attention to one man: “Everyone in the crowd was smiling and one of him standing with a straight face and looked angry.”


The next day the same man approached the car of Angelina with a stack of photos to autograph. “I immediately reacted and forbade her to lower the window. Got out of the car and took these pictures and asked to wait until Angie he will sign them. And what do you think, after this guy gave me the photo, there was a very personal footage, he turned and ran,” — said mark.

Fotodom / Rex Features

Earlier Billingham shared with the press that for all 17 months of working with them he became very attached to the star family, and their children became like family. “I regularly took them to swimming lessons. I feel like I’ve adopted them, in General,” admitted the guard.

Fotodom / Rex Features


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  • Love the frame and hate in life: the famous kinobori that didn’t get along

Biggest fear Angelina Jolie and brad pitt was that their children can steal. “I was able to take their children anywhere. Anyone else nothing like this was allowed. Even when I wanted to hire more people, Angie and brad did not allow them to approach the children. The worst they could do is to monitor their safety from a distance, but in any case it was impossible to touch them”, — says mark.

Анджелина Джоли с детьми - Ноксом и Вивьен/Eastnews

Анджелина Джоли и Брэд Питт растят шестерых детей/Instagram

Шайло Джоли-Питт твердо решила, что хочет быть мальчиком

Джолипитты в полном составе /Instagram

12 июля Ноксу и Вивьен исполнилось 7 лет/Instagram

Вивьен Джоли-Питт уже успела сыграть вместе с мамой в фильме "Малефисента"/Instagram

Нокс Джоли-Питт/Instagram

Анджелина Джоли и Брэд Питт/Instagram

Анджелина Джоли и Брэд Питт/Instagram

Анджелина Джоли и Брэд Питт/Instagram

Анджелина Джоли/Instagram

Mark had to leave the star family because of overwork. He is very exhausted, and he had his own family (Mark is also six children), which he, unfortunately, seen infrequently.

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