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Government and business

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The best response to Western sanctions will be the maximum freedom for doing business in Russia. This was stated by the President.

But there is an important circumstance: we can not give freedom to business, smothering her in everything else. It is impossible to build in the country working democracy, using Bolshevik methods, trampling on the meaning of democracy (even while maintaining the form).
Show completely… Because the essence of democracy in real political competition and a guaranteed and regular turnover of power. Because the tenure of power through the suppression of competition inevitably leads to abuses, some form of usurping this power, and after a certain point, lose all touch with reality and the inevitable decay.

The current economic and political system is not an accidental zigzag of history, and the result, albeit unplanned, specific decisions of specific individuals. This once again refutes fashionable in some circles, arguments about Russia’s historical curse, some kind of “karma”, about the allegedly improper national consciousness, preventing the establishment in Russia of a normal life and effective functioning of the economic system. In fact, almost all our troubles are the consequence of erroneous or irresponsible decisions taken systematically and for many years our leaders and officials, whether by thoughtlessness or selfish reasons, and our tolerance of such decisions of a society’s failure to provide them with a desired resistance.

For example, it is well known that in the Russian society over the last 20 years has formed a negative attitude to riches: the vast majority of people there is no doubt that the wealth in these years, profited exclusively by unfair means. And indeed, it is impossible to build a cost effective system, violating the sense of justice of millions. It is impossible to approach the economy in a mechanistic fashion, without considering the state of public consciousness, human performance and assessment of certain phenomena. Even if you do not share them and I think it’s wrong. Because for efficient operation of the market system you first need the trust of people to each other, in public institutions, finally, to power. If people like the subjects of the economy, do not trust companies and banks, don’t believe the courts don’t believe in the willingness and ability of the authorities to ensure the protection of property rights and honest business, if people are forced to rely solely on their capabilities and efforts, the country will never build not only a highly efficient and competitive, but just how complex the modern economy.

At the Congress of “Business Russia” the President urged the country’s authorities to engage more with the business. This is especially true of law enforcement agencies, what the President said. That’s really one don’t need to persuade! Militiamen and so only doing it to “interact” with business, and live from this very, very bad.

The fact that morality is not just a social or religious. It is also an important political and even economic category. The idea of modern economy as a soulless world of profit and cash where everyone is willing to “throw” each, where there are no values and nothing is sacred is misleading. Capitalism as a modern economic system is historically grown out of faith in the system of social relations, which follows certain rules and the guarantor of compliance with these rules may not be only the law and the repressive apparatus supporting it. Because the government can work effectively only where its established rules accepted by the majority of the population as fair and honest and respect for the law becomes a moral category.

If the system of relations in society is not supported by the moral authority of those who creates and protects, no threats and repression will not make masses of people follow the established rules in daily life. Respect for the law – category is as important to the economy, as the law itself. However, that cynical contempt for the law, demonstrated and continues to demonstrate the government itself precludes even the possibility that overall business in the country will seriously endeavour to comply with the rules and laws or at least try to act responsibly and to respect public interests.

Grigory Yavlinsky

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