Home / Business / Fyodor Bondarchuk has shown feelings for the bride at the premiere of “Good boy”

Fyodor Bondarchuk has shown feelings for the bride at the premiere of “Good boy”

The last time Fedor Bondarchuk and Paulina Andreeva increasingly began to delight fans of the joint outputs: the pair flashed at the premiere of the film “Duelist” and presented a picture of a novel “Gravity” at the sixth Moscow International festival “Circle of light”.

2 Nov Bondarchuk and Andreev attended a private screening of the Comedy directed by Oksana Karas “Good boy” (the painting in the movie, November 10).

Paulina and Theodore no longer comply with the formalities and behaved like a normal couple: holding hands, sweet cooing, hugging and kissing.

Paulina, as always, looked amazing, and Fedor just glowed with happiness. It seems that between couples there is a real idyll.

Among the guests were also seen Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Aurora, Timur Rodriguez, Tatiana Gevorkyan, Vasily Utkin, Leonid Yarmolnik, Natalia Bardo and many others.

Олеся Судзиловская

Аглая Тарасова

Екатерина Вуличенко

Тимур Родригез

Евгения Малахова

Андрей Карасевич

Артем Михалков с гостьей

Леонид Ярмольник

Лариса Вербицкая

Григорий и Вадим Верник

Ирина Пегова

Михаил Шац

Татьяна Геворкян

Анна Пескова

Анастасия Богатырева

Егор Пирогов

Эрнест Мацкявичюс с супругой

Ирина Денисова

Иева Андреевайте

Лилия Московкина

Василий Уткин

Владимир Тишко

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