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From “Stargate” to “independence Day 2”: top movies by Roland Emmerich

Hollywood drew attention to a daring German youth after the Berlin film festival in 1984, he was shown his student work “the Principle of Noah’s ark.” This film became the most expensive student project in the history of world cinema – the shooting had spent about a million German marks. Tape not only opened the Berlinale, but also claimed the top prize – “Golden bear”. Director awards not awarded, but “the Principle of Noah’s ark” was purchased for display in more than 20 countries.

From “Stargate” to “independence Day 2”: top movies by Roland Emmerich

This success allowed the Director to establish his own production company – Centropolis Films, the first major work which was a fantastic film “contact”. From that time to present all the movies that shoots Emmerich, producyruetsa including his company. In our review we will tell about some of the most striking of them, won the attention of viewers around the world.

“Universal soldier” (1992)is Almost a film-a dream for those who love fighters captured in the 90-ies of XX century. The main roles in this fantastic film played by Jean-Claude van Damme and Dolph Lundgren. The characters “Universal soldier” is practically immortal cyborgs, the result of scientific experiments. They are sent on the most dangerous missions that may be beyond the power of ordinary warriors. Two of the cyborg – Luke and Scott face each other during one of the missions. Gradually they realize that they are ready to cut each other’s throat. Returning memory makes them think about the past, in which Luke and Scott fought together in Vietnam. This tape marked the beginning of the series, in which later left three of the film.

Poster of the film “Universal soldier”

“Stargate” (1994)This tape became the beginning of a long series, which includes not only full length movies but also some TV series. For Emmerich’s “Stargate” marked a new stage in life – the Director coped with the production of big-budget fantasy film. Despite the rather restrained press reviews, fans of the genre the film is liked. The plot tells of a mysterious artifact, a quartz ring, discovered near the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt. The mysterious discovery is the gateway to other worlds. Researchers, risking their lives, are sent to investigate.

A scene from the movie “Stargate”

“Independence day” (1996)the Most striking and memorable film about the alien attack on America in the history of world cinema. Roland Emmerich has managed to combine in one picture all of the major developments of cinema in recent years and to shoot a fantastic film that focuses on a mass audience. Huge flying saucer descend and hang over the capitals of the major world powers. Destroyed London, new York, Moscow and other cities. The mood of “independence Day” changes from depressed to positive in just a few minutes. Emmerich tells the audience that are going to make the invaders, and then brings to the fore the heroes of Earth – scientist, the President of the United States and a military pilot, played by will Smith, which is destined to confront the aliens. The picture was a phenomenal success with the audience. In 2016, the screens out the long-awaited sequel of the story.

Movie about the filming of the movie “independence Day”

“The day after tomorrow” (2004)In this film, the Director once again destroys America, this time with natural disasters. Grandiose scenes that just look spectacular on the screen of the cinema, succeed one another. Don’t forget Emmerich and about the main characters – the father scientist and his son who is trapped. The film is based on scientific research on global warming and the onset of a new ice age during which the world reign of the harsh winter. Despite scathing reviews from critics, the audience of the film was accepted quite warmly. With a budget of $125 million in worldwide box office “the day after tomorrow” grossed $544 million

Trailer of the movie “day after tomorrow”

“2012” (2009)on the eve of the end of the world, this time according to the Mayans, Roland Emmerich offers viewers another attraction, in which our planet is opposed to the onslaught of the elements. The events of this movie-disasters begin in 2009 in India, where the scientist-astrophysicist makes a startling discovery – the core temperature of the Earth close to a critical point that will soon lead to catastrophic consequences for the ecosystem. Three years later, the threat accidentally discovers Jackson Curtis is a science fiction writer and father of two children. He hurries to take his family out of the danger zone, but he’ll have to risk not only their lives, because the soil leaves from under his feet. The picture turned out the most spectacular, but it is absolutely unscientific (according to representatives of NASA).

Trailer of the movie “2012”

“Anonymous” (2011)the film, despite its scale, has no relation to the films that were previously removed Emmerich. In the “Anonymous” touches upon the reality or unreality of the existence of one of the world’s most famous playwrights – William Shakespeare. The story tells about the life of the Earl of Oxford Edward de Vere, who, according to some studies, considered the true author of the works signed by the name Shakespeare. Besides the main story, are dealt with in the film and numerous minor lines – the intrigue of succession to the throne, illegitimate children, Palace coups. For many viewers, “Anonymous” was a real revelation, despite the fact that around its historical element goes a lot of disputes. On top of that presented it was absolutely not as a historical drama, but as a blockbuster, which was based on one of the most interesting mysteries of the past.

The trailer of the film “Anonymous”

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