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Folk remedy for sinusitis

Народные средства от гайморитаSinusitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, which in 80% cases is the result of a cold, the flu or SARS

In the conservative treatment of the disease only alleviated, but not cured.

If the sinusitis has worsened, we recommend that:
• instilled into the nose 3-5 drops of menthol oil (or a mixture of menthol and camphor oils 1:1) and lubricate the forehead, nose and temples;
• put a piece of stale bread on a hot stove, and when it will burn, inhale the smoke through the nostrils for 3-5 minutes;

• 1 tsp. a spoonful of crushed propolis mixed with sunflower and pre-softened butter (3 tsp. tablespoons) to moisten cotton balls and lay them in the room morning and evening;
• inhalations, breathing steam.
If the sinus infection turned into a chronic form
• Try to stop eating milk and dairy products, as some doctors believe that excessive consumption of milk (mostly pasteurized), as well as food with a high content of starch and sugar is the cause of chronic rhinitis, sinusitis rolling in.
• If you have lost the sense of smell, heat the vinegar in the pan and breathe in the vapors.

To treat sinusitis effectively, follow these rules:
• blow your nose with only one nostril, closing in this time is different, otherwise the mucus can get from the nose to the auditory tube or middle ear;
• when backfilling the head should be thrown back and turned in the direction which instilled drops. Better to do it lying down. Then the drops will fall into the middle nasal meatus, and this will contribute to a more intensive outflow of the contents of the maxillary sinus.
If you do not follow these simple rules, then drops just leaks into the nasopharynx, and the effectiveness of the treatment will be zero.

Here are a few popular recipes treatment of sinusitis.
• You will need the juice of celandine, aloe juice and honey in equal parts. Celandine should be fresh. It is passed through a meat grinder and squeeze juice. The aloe leaves are very juicy, with them you can just remove the skin and squeeze the juice. Mix all components, put in each nostril for 5-10 drops. If something gets into the mouth, immediately splevyval, swallow it is by no means impossible! The course of treatment is 10 days, dripping nose 3-5 times a day. Guarantees complete cure from sinusitis.
• The same effect is the root of the cyclamen, which is rubbed on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, mixed with a solution furatsilina 1:4 and for 7 days instilled 3 times a day 2 drops.

• Helps with sinus trouble also beeswax. It melt on a slow fire and as it cools down to form thick lepeshechki that are applied to the maxillary sinus for 20 mins on Top for heat preservation cover them with a scarf. The procedure is carried out a day before bedtime. The wax is allowed to use up to three times. The course of treatment is at least 15 procedures.

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