Home / World / Fatal accident in Mexico a bus collided with a truck, 13 killed

Fatal accident in Mexico a bus collided with a truck, 13 killed

Смертельное ДТП в Мексике: автобус столкнулся с грузовиком, 13 погибшихThe bus rear-ended a truck and burst into flames.

The collision of passenger bus and a truck claimed the lives of 13 people in Mexico, said Saturday the Prosecutor General of the state of Tabasco.

According to authorities, the collision occurred early in the morning on the highway Veracruz-córdoba. The bus rear-ended a truck and burst into flames. The fire spread so rapidly that only one of the passengers managed to get out of the cabin, and the rest burned.

The only surviving passenger was a retired General of the General staff of Mexico and former Minister of public security of the state of Tabasco, Adamaro Martinez.

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