Home / Medicine / Experts tell who is helpful to drink a decoction of rose hips

Experts tell who is helpful to drink a decoction of rose hips

Эксперты рассказали, кому полезно пить отвар шиповникаIt turned out that a decoction of rose hips not only has diuretic properties.

Most people simply underestimate this plant as a wild rose, and especially do not use it as a healing agent. A very good reason, because rosehip tea contains a lot of nutrients and minerals that the body needs. For example, if you are in search of products that contain vitamin C in large quantity, suitable time, a decoction of rose hips, because of this vitamin in not more than the lemon.

Despite the fact that a decoction of rose hips and really useful to people with similar diseases and disorders in the body to drink it is impossible:

1. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum. We are talking about ulcers and gastritis.

2. Thin tooth enamel and increased tooth sensitivity are the reason, to drink a decoction of rose hips is impossible.

3. Renal or hepatic insufficiency.

Now consider who and what it is necessary to drink a decoction of rose hips as often as possible:

1. Pregnant women allowed to drink this broth, but not in large quantity. The fact is that during pregnancy women often face such problem as puffiness. As a decoction of rose hips helps to remove excess fluid from the body, in this case it is indispensable. Plus, the decoction of rose hips have vitamins C and E which strengthen the immune system the future moms and care about her health.

2. Iron deficiency anemia can be cured with the help of decoction of rose hips, because it contains a lot of iron. But we should not abandon other methods of increasing hemoglobin, which recommends to the hematologist.

3. High blood pressure a cold glass of broth hips will help to reduce blood pressure to normal due to its diuretic properties. This drink is especially essential in hot weather, when high blood pressure often feel symptoms of high blood pressure, but in winter it should always be kept at hand.

4. In case of viral and infectious diseases to do without broth hips at all. By the way, it is possible and even necessary to give children suffering from the flu or a cold. The thing is that the broth hips quickly cleans the walls of digestive tract and removes toxic substances from the body. Thus, the patient will be reduced body temperature and it will feel much better.

5. Those who suffer from swelling, it will not hurt to drink a decoction of rose hips. But the amount of water you need to drink during the day, it is the same — 1.5-2 liters.

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