EU high representative Federica Mogherinicalls on the member States of the UN to impose sanctions against Russia on the model of the EU and the US. The official occasion was beaten by the Crimean issue. But a legal basis is the resolution of the UN General Assembly No. 68/262.
Apparently, therefore, quite a peculiar way, European bureaucrats decided to “note” and, at the same time, slightly spoil Moscow and the Crimean celebration of the historic reunification of the Peninsula with Russia. In the document issued on behalf of Ms. Mogherini stated that the EU still does not recognize the annexation of Crimea to Russia.
“The European Union reiterates that it does not recognize and continues to condemn this violation of international law. This is a direct challenge to international security, with serious implications for international legal order that protects the unity and sovereignty of all States”, — stated in the anti-Russian statement by the representative of the European Union for foreign Affairs and security policy. In this case, by “coincidence” it is not a word about numerous cases of encroachment on state sovereignty created by the collective West. As the barbaric dismemberment of Yugoslavia with the use of precision weapons, or the separation of Kosovo from Serbia.
Along with the blatant inconsistency and bias in showing touching concern for the respect of international law, the EU high representative expressed his “deep concern about the military buildup and the deterioration of the situation with human rights on the Crimean Peninsula”.
Apparently, not hoping for broad support of the international community, Ms. Mogherini reproduced the well-known position of the EU, according to which Brussels will continue to adhere to the full implementation of its policy of non-recognition, including through restrictive measures. Than, there is no doubt, richly struck a verbal balm for the wounds of the Ukrainian authorities, which under Russophobic slogans came to power in a coup that, in fact, provoked the vote in Crimea. Russian politicians and diplomats have responded to the duty of political ritual performed by the high-ranking European official sufficient discretion.
“I have to read another message that the European Union or the United States consider lifting the sanctions, then automatically extend. I think that we should lose interest,” said Dmitry Rogozinat the meeting of the Presidium of the state Commission on development of the Arctic. “We need to stop wondering what, specifically, is in Brussels or Washington talking about sanctions. It should be borne in mind that sanctions are always against us,” summed up Deputy head of the government of the Russian Federation.
We will be hearing the threat in his address, while Russia does not begin to adequately respond to sanctions, believes associate Professor at the Faculty of world politics of Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov Alexey Fenenko.
— This means that we must assign them unacceptable for the price.
“SP”: — In expert circles there is an opinion that Russia is too weak, so our answer was tangible…
Not necessarily to engage in a severe economic deadlock, it is possible to respond asymmetrically. For example, out of the disarmament treaties.
“SP”: — start-3?
— There are more painful steps — to refuse to execute the Treaty on open skies. It provides the opportunity to make inspection flights over the territory of other countries. The Americans used this opportunity much more often than Russia. That is, we do all its military activities transparent to sanctioners.
Second — out of a comprehensive Treaty on nuclear testing, which we, unlike the Americans ratified. Despite this fact, they have the international monitoring system. And Russia has to cooperate by providing their data. If we stop to engage in masochism, the collapse of the whole system of international monitoring of nuclear testing.
The third asymmetric blow that we can inflict, it is the gap concluded in 1987 Treaty on the elimination of intermediate-range and shorter-range nuclear forces (INF). Finally, we can abandon the agreement with the US regarding the disposal of weapons-grade plutonium. Incidentally, in the White house two years ago was terrified that in reply to sanctions we will come out of agreement from 1997. If we put the question thus, I am not sure that even in the West there are many who “nightmare” Russia sanctions.
“SP”: — the Minister of defense Ashton Carter called Russia the first in the list of global strategic challenges to the United States, which, however, does not stop us establishment.
— It would be naive to consider it a manifestation of banal departmental lobbying. When Russia reunited with Crimea, and us announced sanctions war, Moscow has hinted that may, in response, to terminate inspection on the implementation of start-3. Then the commander of the European command of the U.S. armed forces Philip Breedlove made a statement in that spirit that we hope that Russia will not go for it. Say, control over nuclear arsenals were held even during the “cold war”.
Another point — last spring we had just suspended its participation in the work of the group on the CFE Treaty (Treaty on conventional armed forces in Europe). In Washington, once said: “we understand the concerns of Moscow and will consult further.”
Speaking of which, why are we still Americans provided its airspace for the transfer of personnel and equipment in Afghanistan? In response to the threat of new sanctions is enough to threaten to stop any cooperation to combat terrorism.
“SP”: — In this sense, maybe the statement by Ms. Mogherini due to the reduction of the Russian presence in Syria?
— Do not exclude. It may be objected, what about the fight against terrorism, which poses a threat the Russian Federation? Answer: do you really think that we may have common interests with countries that impose sanctions against us on the principle “the worse you do, the better for us”?
Americans and Europeans might benefit from the data that we supply them on the Middle East, Central Asia (Afghanistan, Pakistan). Please note, the Americans every time they say: “We hope that the sanctions will not affect cooperation in the fight against terrorism”. Now, we must answer: “selective cooperation”.
“SP”: — Can we expect a radical change in the minds of European elites?
— Certainly, no. This tale, which we ourselves cherish. Moreover, we should not exaggerate the extent of US pressure on its European allies, which have formed a solid consensus. It consists in the inadmissibility of restoration of the USSR in any form. The annexation of Crimea, the West considers an attempt of revision of results of 1991.
Although there was at least one generation for the last 200 years, which would not know the repartition of borders in Eastern Europe? The situation is even worse — we go back not in the cold war, and in the XIX century.
“SP”: — How justified is the reduction of our participation in the Syrian military operation?
— Our politicians didn’t count on the warming of relations with the West, that’s for sure. It was clear that for Syria to be friends with us, no one will. Our operation in Syria, the West called it as “aggression against the Syrian people”. But most importantly, what we can not forgive Russia broke the monopoly of NATO on the use of air power.
But if we are content with the achieved effect, we will not support it, we will have to attack. It is a known psychological law: a person who gave up the slack, beat stronger.
There is another point — Mogherini appeals to the UN, knowing that it’s a no-go combination. Unlike the EU bodies, the decisions of the UN General Assembly are purely Advisory in nature. I don’t know countries like China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa and many others (and that more than half of humanity) who would have lined up for the introduction of sanctions against Russia. And even such seemingly loyal to the West countries like South Korea or Japan did it more for “show” and strongly mazkirut assumed restrictive obligations in respect of trade with Moscow.
By the way, here’s another contractia — we should withdraw from the Council of Europe. Russia insulted in PACE, denied the right to vote, and we continue to regularly pay premiums. As soon as we come from the CE, the Europeans will lose the legal right to assess the political situation in Russia. Conversely, while we are in the framework of this structure, they can cook any biased reports, to act as mentors and to interfere in our internal politics.
According to the Director of the center for political studies, Financial University under the government of Russia Pavel Salin, we should not overestimate the value of such statements.
— Ms. Mogherini simply “serving room” amid talk of a split in the European elite. Although it is not so. Those who support the normalization of relations with Russia, are in the minority. The head of European diplomacy just shows the loyalty of the eurocracy USA. It should be borne in mind that the Brussels officials atlantists much more focused than national elite.
At the same time we should not overestimate its capabilities. It’s like the story with Greece. In Moscow counted that when you come to power, Tsipras, he would oppose sanctions. But it was only a position for bargaining — the politician sat down in an armchair of the Prime Minister and asked Brussels for more money.
“SP”: — will there Be sanctions to provide something qualitatively new or extend existing restrictive measures?
— The West has some room to maneuver. For example, to disconnect Russia from SWIFT payment system. This will mean some technical difficulties, but worry they can. Plus today is implementing a large-scale project on replacement of Russian energy resources to European market. In this regard, for us the adverse scenario associated with the entry of Iranian gas to the world market.
“SP”: — what about the project “Nord stream-2” which supports Germany?
— The Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia and Romania and the President of Lithuania was sent to the head of the European Commission his objections in this regard. And behind them is Washington.
“SP”: — is it Possible to Deposit a personal “black list” of the USA and the EU as a way of pressure on the Russian elite?
— In this regard, sanctions can be intensified. That is, the circle of persons “non grata” will not grow, and fall under attack relatives that live in the West. Americans love and know how to put the question of the origin of the funds to which he or that person is comfortable they have settled or in Europe.
This is an attempt to put pressure on the Russian elite that they gave Putin and those who support the hardliners in relations with the West.
“SP”: — in such a situation How should Russia react?
— Unfortunately, our country is not very wide space. So to answer symmetrically we can hardly. Need to continue the project initiated the nationalization of the elites. It involves a range of measures that our ruling class is more tied their vital interests with Russia than with the West. The criterion is the return of funds withdrawn. In principle, “the process started”. Some representatives of the “Petersburg group” were forced to do it under pressure.
Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to bring the Russian economy to the level of reasonable sufficiency. But I fear that with the current quality of governance is a difficult task.
“SP”: — the U.S. state Department rather peculiar “celebrated” the second anniversary of the reunification of Russia with Crimea, extending the statement that the United States will not lift sanctions against Russia until this very moment, while Crimea not returned to Ukraine. “This music will be eternal”?
— I don’t think. The West will sooner or later have to endure the Crimean issue beyond the relationship with Russia to pragmatically interact with her.
“SP”: — And we really want “pragmatic interact” or, rather, deliberately to pressurize?
Georgia is a faithful satellite of the USA, nevertheless its authorities made the return of Abkhazia and South Ossetia for the brackets. The political elites in Washington are both hawks and pragmatists.
“SP”: — whether to rely on the fact that the impending migration the collapse of Europe will loosen the “stranglehold” of euroatlantische on the more reasonable, from the point of view of relations with Russia, national elites?
Military Russia’s withdrawal from Syria will only exacerbate the refugee problem. I don’t think Erdogan’s Turkey can be made impermeable barrier, which was made by Libya, which hampered the flow of refugees from “black Africa”.
The problem with the second “Great migration” is a problem of nation States. Party Frau Merkel “flew” in the last local elections. But we should not overestimate “factor Le pan“. As the nationalists will be incorporated into the power structure, they will become more moderate. It is evident from the same marine Le pen — the more it is popular in France, the less radical.
If in front of her loomed the possibility of becoming President of the Fifth Republic, it will drastically change the tone of communication with Russia.