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Economy in tatters: the future of the USA — the country gasolline

Экономика в клочья: будущее США — страна-газоколонка

Shale oil is not going so well, but when will the stock market collapse, the US would have a gas…

Remember, with what delight and disdain of the Russian liberals and Ukrainian nationalists repeated the McCain thesis that “Russia is not a country but a gas station masquerading as a country”? Still, it told a real credibility – the absolute world record holder for the lost aircraft, downed pilot leveled the eighties!

And what do we see? The same characters in the same composition, with the same rapture tell us that the United States began exports of liquefied natural gas to Europe, and now “Gazprom” (as well as Putin, and Russia) just Khan.

I don’t understand, and where the ironic statements in the style of “the United States is not a country but gasolline, pretends to be a country”?

There is nothing in the nature of any American high-tech exports. And no, TTIP will not help them, because they simply do not produce anything that could be sold on the European market. The same “Apple”, my dear, it is in fact a Chinese company, like all the others.

As one of the Nobel laureates in Economics, “the American economy produces only beer and hookers”. And they have lousy beer, and whores silicone.

Where do the liberals have such double standards? Why don’t they gloat about the “country-hosokyoku”? Do not be ashamed if them? However, I know that they are not ashamed. Zombie shame no shame.

Besides, “the first released from the United States in the direction of Portugal’s gas tanker” some misunderstanding. Not sailed it anywhere, and with a destination port different media are confused, and like, and all such vessel does not exist in nature.

And all this hype was just to the Europeans tried to beg for a discount on gas this season. This is just great Ukrainian economists seriously believe that the more expensive the gas, the better. All the others don’t think so.

In any case, even if that somewhere was swimming and even swam there ridiculous volumes to the European gas market to influence not able.

Well, remember how the same Russian liberals (and some “guard patriots” to join him), and Ukrainian nationalists for years predicted that “the price of oil will collapse forever, and with it Russia’s economy”?

Something they quieted down lately. There are only two of my favorite patients (one Russian and one Ukrainian), who continue to rave “this is the last dying jump up, and then collapses and everything.”

And then (what zrada!) US Department of energy admitted in its forecast of growth in oil prices to $252 per barrel by 2040. Or, in a more moderate scenario – to $141. About possible reduction of prices, as you can see, we are not talking.

It is obvious that U.S. officials and experts have already buried the nonsense about the “shale revolution” and did not experience illusions about its “excellent prospects”.

However, it’s quite possible that these forecasts are the U.S. Department of energy are too optimistic. After all, current fed chair Janet Yellen spoke again about negative interest rates. This means that the us economy is experiencing significant difficulties, and in the case of the transition to this scenario, the dollar could slip into hyperinflation.

And then, quite possibly, a barrel of oil will cost like thousands of dollars. Or will be sold exclusively in rubles…

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