Home / Medicine / Doctors told about the berries, most useful for the heart

Doctors told about the berries, most useful for the heart

Врачи рассказали о ягодах, максимально полезных для работы сердцаStrawberries and blueberries are the most useful for your heart.

In order for the heart to function properly, and the risk of heart attack was minimal, should regularly eat such berries as strawberries and blueberries.

To such conclusion scientists from Harvard. In order to prevention of cardiovascular disease was effective, it is necessary to eat at least 3 to 4 times a week. To reach this conclusion, scientists conducted an experiment, which was attended by 93 thousand women.

After the study, researchers reported that the healing effects these berries have thanks contained in the composition of flavonoids. Flavonoids as compounds of the phenol, prevent the formation of cholesterol in the blood and widen the arteries.

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