Home / Medicine / Doctors called the fatal consequences of premature birth

Doctors called the fatal consequences of premature birth

Медики назвали неустранимые последствия преждевременных родовPreterm children appeared to have a smaller kidney and high blood pressure in adulthood

Canadian doctors called the fatal consequences of premature birth. Preterm children appeared to have a smaller kidney and high blood pressure in adulthood.

In the study, researchers compared the size of the kidneys, and identified function and blood pressure in 80 adults. Half of them were born on the 29th week of pregnancy, and their average age was 23, 6 years. The rest were born at term, and their average age was 23,3 year.

The systolic (upper) and diastolic (bottom) blood pressure in adulthood, those who were born prematurely, usually were with deviations from the norm.

For example, in an average day systolic blood pressure was 120 millimeters of mercury, whereas the physiological norm (surveyed respondents) is 115 millimeters of mercury.

Earlier, us doctors have established a long-term negative consequences for the health of children born by caesarean section. They are on average 15 percent more likely in adulthood to be obese compared to those who vaginal way.

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