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Do you need methods in the economy of the Stalin era?

Устроят ли вас в экономике методы сталинских времён?

The head of the Communist party,never ceases to praise the methods of management of the economy in Stalin’s time,but the miracle did not exist,the economy really grew,but due to the low wages and free labor of millions of prisoners,peasants generally worked for their labor.And the whole country was a big concentration camp,to work late-term,the drill bit broke, defacing state property is also the period,went with the newspaper down the toilet,and there is a portrait of Stalin,in the same period of time,the farmer gathered up the ears,on the collective farm,and it and its property,too.The country needed working hands free,to dig canals,erect blast furnaces,to build roads,power plants,build with almost zero industry,after years of devastation.Many will say that the time was that it had to be done,but it’s understandable,after so many years,grief is not perceived with pain,for his,albeit in the past tense,but fellow citizens.

In our time,whether will be wishing to repeat the feat(that life can not be called otherwise),our predecessors,because the circumstances that lead to it.The current team of managers which led the country to a standstill,won’t be able to bring the country out of the situation.With the Stalinist Communist party, with Stalin’s methods can,but by several five-year plans,during which you will have to repeat the feat of their predecessors.The third way,it is a business together with science and the agreement, organize a Society,will get less than five years.It will be difficult,but somewhat easier,but how much easier,it will depend on each,he shows how the civil position.I think this fall will be a rehearsal and show ready, our citizens to fight for a place under the sun,and yet propose to vote,if you will accept the methods of the Stalin era in the economy Yes or No.

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