Home / Business / Dmitry Malikov told about the novel daughter Stasi with an adult man

Dmitry Malikov told about the novel daughter Stasi with an adult man

More recently, Dmitry Malikov said that he and his wife Elena do not allow their 16 year old daughter going out with boys. The singer said that the mother Stasi chases her suitors and ensures that it is well studied. But now, apparently, the situation has changed.

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Dmitry recently became a guest of “the Secret to a million.” In conversation with leading Leroy Kudryavtseva, the actor admitted that Stasi is a young man who is older than her two years.


“She has a young man with whom she communicates more than with other guys. His name is Leonid. He is our guest. He’s 18 years old”, — said Malikov.


However, Dmitry is still strict with the heiress of the singer trying to convince the daughter that she’s still too immature for a serious relationship. “We are talking about the fact that it is not necessary to hurry, it is necessary to make the right choice, a lot depends on this,” added Dmitry.


The question Kudryavtseva, how he would react to the news of the pregnancy of Stephanie, Malikov said that if this happens after her 18th birthday, then that’s fine.


The actor is proud that in his 16 years, his daughter already she earns, however, he carefully ensures that popularity has not gone to her head.

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