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Dissenting opinion: Five advantages for Kasyanov from the screening of the film

For me, in the show on TV scandal video Kasyanov and Pelevina a lot of advantages.

Особое мнение: Пять плюсов для Касьянова от показа фильма
Let’s order.

1. We all are convinced that Kasyanov is not gay. It is clear that part of the electorate “PARNASSUS” is pushed, but in General it is a fact to the public positive. Moreover, if you remember Sashko bilogo, it was encouraging that Pelevin does not kick Michael’s face, and quite traditionally had a good time in bed.

2. We all are convinced that at my age Kasyanov has no problems with potency. He is also a plus.

3. We have all seen that even the leaders of the “PARNASSUS” more than 12 mandates in the state Duma do not count. And then, when serious funding. That is, Mikhail is rather sober view of things. Although, I predict more than 2-3% it does not Shine.

4. We all understood that Kasyanov associates just managers, not ideologues. No talk about democracy, there are no ideological disputes and arguments. Normal discussion of the management of the project “coalition” and “Parnassus” – who to drop, who to raise, where to get money, etc. that is, Kasyanov not stoned fanatic, but merely hired a project Manager. Which, of course, plus – fanatics in the mass frenzy.

5. It has become obvious that the perpetrator himself does not believe Kasyanov. For him being in power was not a kind of mania, and the element of profit is to buy something cheaper through, then sell at a higher price. There are no conversations about “overwhelm”, “to beat”, “to put”. That is, Kasyanov was quite herbivorous corrupt. At a time when there was enough of crooks and corrupt officials with hands on an elbow in blood. That certainly is a plus, if you remember dashing 90-s.

So, I think any serious problems for the reputation of the film Kasyanov will not create. On the contrary, supporters, those 2% of voters, not alienate cinema. What the liberals among themselves as spiders in Bank, we knew. And here is some 0,5% of previously undecided in its support for liberals, it is for the above reasons, may decide to support Kasyanov. Why not?

Max Fuchs

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