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Diabolical scenario for the Prime Minister Medvedev

Дьявольский сценарий для премьера Медведева

It seems, even gifted by nature, Americans have finally realized that it is impossible to blame Putin. No matter how they tried, the President’s approval rating is still over 80%. The people are not impressed by the stories nor his treasures, nor his corruption, neither about the offshore accounts of his friends.

Leave Russia alone – it means to sign the death warrant of globalization, multinational business and world government. Because no country in the world – in their right mind or without mind – not imposed by America prefer slavery United the interests of a polycentric world, which offers Vladimir Putin.

The era of military attacks involving the army, air force and Navy are gone. Yes, and to attack Russia – a more expensive. Cheaper and more practical to make a revolution, say, in one separately taken Moscow, St. Petersburg and another pair of triple major cities. To decapitate the government, to survive a period of anarchy. Then offer to weary iniquity of their assistance to people in the wise management of great power and its enormous wealth, that we, narrow-minded, and failed to dispose of. In General, all as always.

However, to make Putin Gaddafi 2.0 – no chance. The subscriber, as they say, out of reach. Desperately need a closer candidate.

Therefore, the target of diabolical attack made by Dmitry Medvedev.

The Western scenario is as follows:

1. To shake the people dissatisfaction with the government represented by the Prime Minister and the financiers: the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of economic development, Central Bank, Sberbank, by presenting them the culprits of the economic difficulties in the country.

2. At the same time to cook in the bowels of society radical movements based on Russian nationalism, the lzhesotsializm and psevdokommunizm.

3. To use the upcoming elections for casting in the management structure ideologically and mentally unstable extremist elements.

4. To split the Supreme power by fermentation and vacuum.

5. To fill the void shapes controlled by the West.

6. Use them to create an opinion about the ineffectiveness of the President and in the elections in 2018, his change to his protege.

That’s all. Nothing new, really? But let us remember that in every country where we used this devilishly cunning plan, people do NOT NOTICE! Just absolutely nothing. Libyans, Ukrainians, Georgians believed and continue to believe their situation is unique and evolving in a natural way.

Now in the Russian society there are two virtual reality: TV and Internet. First broadcast the official point of view. Second – the non-systemic opposition. If the TV sits in the main the older generation, the youth, which is the primary bet in any public outrages, clearly prefers the Internet.

In recent months, from the network almost disappeared not only Patriotic, but simply a neutral material. For each article, in a positive light portraying the activities of Putin and particularly the government, a long snake spraying venom trailing comments are well trained trolls and provocateurs. Their number is growing every day, says that 5 billion spent by the state Department on Ukraine, finely floated. For Russia, this figure increased at least 10 times.

The semantic matrix and neuro-linguistic programs, which are now treated the population of Russia, put pressure on the emotions, causing us to experience fear and insecurity. We stop to think and forget about the fact that the economic problems of the Russian Federation did not begin with the appointment of Elvira Nabiullina and Gref, and from the Maidan, the annexation of Crimea and lower oil prices. The fall of the ruble, which accused the government of economists, occurred simultaneously with the collapse of the national currencies of other countries where the speaker does to influence the situation could not, even if I wanted to. And the whole process of financial fever is caused by the global restructuring of the world economic system and, more broadly, of the entire human community, not wanting to make more us hegemony and to practice the American way of life.

But about this we certainly will not resemble any one political consultant. Although the fundamental truth does not get tired to say the President headed by the government’s economic bloc. Official propaganda greatly underestimates the axiom of psychology that people tend to listen: a) bad, b) to what often is repeated. And the amount of negativity pour out “our friends” in the Russian Internet segment, is many times greater than the volume of government information. Just search for “Medvedev” or “the government” and see for yourself. The mere movement of “Vkontakte” “For the resignation of the government of Medvedev!” what it is (http://vk.com/club50578270).

Opponents of the regime disappear under the Soviet brands – the Soviet Union, the Communist party, socialism, red flag, the hammer and sickle. Nobody, of course, will not tell the ordinary citizens that, in addition to free health care, housing and education, the Soviet economy had many shortcomings, which led her to death. And in present day conditions, the return of the socialist system of the state planning Commission is impossible. As for the tempting slogan “take everything and divide”, destroyed the Russian Empire, is what is used by radicals as a pretext for a future regime change in the Kremlin.

In parallel with such a truly satanic distortion of facts in a society is strongly embedded nationalism and extremism, and dramatically changed color. Open, respectful and very friendly Putin’s position against Muslims, their full support has removed the danger of fomenting strife in this direction. At present the Caucasus is out of the reach of such attacks in mentality, for which he should thank more and Ramzan Kadyrov.

However, as repeatedly said Vladimir Putin, the Americans are persistent creatures. Did not work in one place – they will try the other. At this point, instead entusiastic anti-Muslim and sentiments in the consciousness of the population of the introduced anti-Semitic.

Just a few months, anti-Semitism has outgrown the kitchen level and has been granted for a certain social position. I’d like to remind the moderators and site administrators that “the incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred; propaganda of exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on grounds of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion” has an official definition of extremism (http://media-pravo.info/glossa…

It seems as if the Internet community were given the green light on the Holocaust information. The number of anti-Semitic publications has risen sharply. It affects their unconditional placement in the public domain, the number of reposts, a lot of views, likes (!) unanimous support and outright nationalism in the comments. The scary thing is that this picture does not apply attention, as if it were a normal situation. Some titles of the articles already cause nausea, since they pull outright fascism:

“The Jews and the restructuring of the Russian catastrophe,” “Holocaust Jews trying to hide his guilt in the organization of World War II”, “the Fruits of ecumenism: the Jews will celebrate the crucifixion of Christ with the Catholics and heretics of the Patriarchy”, “For what the Jews have been expelled from Russia”, “Jews” and “Russophobes”, “ZHP (the Jews provocateurs)”, “Jews to drive vzashey: to Judge the worthlessness of Medvedev for the betrayal of Russia!”, “Finally, in Russia, something happened that Jews-the Jews fear the most!”.

The result of offensive action, like Perm (“Perm Residents expelled the Jews from the Russian land” – http://cursorinfo.co.il/news/x… or statements of the Chelyabinsk United Russia (http://a.kras.cc/2016/04/blog-… the Distribution of anti-Semitic ideas have become so rampant and widespread, that Lazar appealed to the Prime Minister asking him to stop anti-Semitism among politicians (http://www.inform-relig.ru/new… Dozhilis. And this in a country that defeated Hitler!

Simultaneously, under the mask of patriotism and national pride are implanted highly provocative views about the superiority of Russian nation over others. This includes the idea of the revival of paganism and Slavic, where opinions are expressed, degrading other religions, nationalities and peoples. Russophile sites are growing like mushrooms after the rain: NOD, BER, http://rod-vzv.info/; http://genocid.net/news_conten… http://via-midgard.info/;http://www.realisti.ru/; LJ ideologist of Russian anti-Semitism Anton blagin joined.

In General, there is a sense that terrorism on Russian territory lately supported from the West to use, so to speak, not on purpose. That is not for the terrorist acts and attacks, which are organized only to cover up the true intentions of the sponsors. The threat level reaches the threshold value. On the one hand, it is a great merit of law enforcement officers. On the other hand, the hosts seem to not put before the terrorist objectives of immediate attack. But on the third hand, the fact that the danger can’t be eliminated, says that armed bandits in the Caucasus to keep the far-reaching aims.

It is possible that our security officers, even senior, continues to work the stereotype of the materialistic thinking, and they see a major threat there, where it can be, so to speak, to touch. Shooting terrorists in the North Caucasus Federal district seem to them more dangerous than a virtual verbal battles inside the computer. But it is absolutely not true!

We must not forget that Islamic radicals are just a tool that you can use anywhere. It is possible, in which case, simply replace with another, recolor, and reformat. Depending on the situation. But to create a suitable context for the intensification of terror is more serious. To cope with the situation created by the “colleagues” in the country of the victim, to keep track of ideas, implanted in the collective unconscious and the toxic power, it turned out not all.

No particular candidate to replace Medvedev and Ulyukayev critics do not put forward. This suggests that opponents of the current government aim to create a “hole” in the government, as it was in the Middle East and the CIS. Reform of the government of Russia should be an immediate change in the government of Russia. Without any continuity.

In this case, to overwhelm the devastation and crime. Then will be brought to bear specifically reserved for such an occasion armed gangs. The fact that they are now fighting under the ISIS banner – not a question. Flag recolor, beard shave up. Instead of “Islamic state” write “Antimagnetic”. No problem. All for you for your money.

Of course, not the fact that “our friends” in Russia, ride. Even likely won’t fly. But trouble and trouble can make a lot. And we have enough to do without them.

So don’t decide for us who will govern us. It is not necessary to convince us that the elected us government is no good. Putin said many times that fully trusts Dmitry Medvedev. And we will not allow you to change the lawful government knows who and who knows whom.

One consolation: what we love about America – she’s so predictable.

Julia Brazhnikova

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