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Deuce again

What we today call the propagandists on the first day of the school year? Yes all about the same.

Flipping through the news channels, came across an interview with one of the young teacher: “… Got a kid or two, that’s his right. But he got more and more two – as will react to it parents?..” Next, the teacher laments that parents can harm the child and instilling in him a sense of guilt, so you hide!

Of course there are those inadequate parents that they better not to talk, but not many, and it is the responsibility of the teacher to work with her parents. And most importantly for teachers is that the child has gained knowledge and grew up honest and moral man. Knowledge is power!

No. It’s not a real teacher, it’s a fake. What’s the worst he has seen in the guilt? The man realized that he was wrong. What direction is this child, most likely that has not learned the lesson. Who’s to blame – himself. So what’s wrong if the child is aware of and corrected. But the feeling of guilt helps us to distinguish good from evil! It helps us to empathize with others! It makes a man cleaner and better! In fact, this is the answer to the young teacher.

In fact, this question is much broader: it is Possible that we just like the air, necessary Threeness and Twoness. What to take with them? Of course, it is the main consumer. Examples of the degrading system of education is cited more than once, so this was the order. A clever and educated people to our state as a bone in the throat.

Why? surely there is only business and nothing personal”? So you calmly make a fool of our people is to impose artificial values, “to mess with” their brains propaganda nonsense and all sorts of vulgar show (distracting). To not have our men of dignity, not to be able to competently defend their violated rights… not to be able to distinguish good from evil.

I’m here only pay attention to the possible negative consequences that would await our children in the future. But today everything is aimed at the consumer, in order to drain out all the juice and then throw away as useless. If someone is outraged, let argues. Really looking forward to optimistic articles here for example that we have had breakthroughs in the field of “high technology” that we suddenly came to life and became competitive light industry (for that fight), that we have revived heavy industry (accordingly, the increase in NII).. that our vehicles went for export. No, we’re import-only, import only (even of the waste in the first place – cheap “crap”).

Apparently they want to see arrogant and boorish ignoramuses, walking to its goal, over the heads of others. Yes, the authorities continue to follow its principle voiced in the early ‘ 90s – “floats as you want, even heads – founder Chubais also all the aisles. And the young teacher made us your first call.


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