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Cute pictures of the kids underwater. Photo

Милые снимки детей под водой. ФотоHappy Ukrainian children under water

Many moms go with their kids in the pool. And even though it seems scary and wrong, the young mother know that the earlier you bring your child to the pool, the better. The optimal starting time for classes is generally considered the age from 14 days to 3 months.

The desire of the mom from the first day to teach a baby to useful water procedures played into the hands of Odessa photographer Andrey Nekrasov.

To capture the enthusiastic faces of kids when they first get into the water, the photographer went to one of the public pools, where the swimming lessons for babies.

Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото
Милые снимки детей под водой. Фото

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