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Construction is not

How does not go? Why is this not working? After all, the entire center of Moscow in the construction fences, the Kerch bridge built stadiums for the world Cup 2018 build…

Nevertheless, statistics show that the construction is now in deep, deep drop: in may 2016 was recorded the worst monthly figure for the current year — minus 9% in annual terms. But this fall was low last year (in may 2015 was minus 9.4 per cent of the corresponding period of the previous year)

Yes, it’s official: Moscow is not all Russia.

By the way the proof of the failure of the current construction is the strongest decline in may production of basic building materials: ceramic brick refractory — by 18.8%, blocks, ceramic — on 23,3%, cement — by 9.9%, constructions and details of reinforced concrete products — by 11.5% (in annual terms), etc.

Why is it important to pay attention to the construction? First, because this investment-heavy industry. There is an investment — there is construction, there is development, there is growth in the economy. No investment — no growth.

Secondly, this is an industry with a large multiplier effect. That is, the investments stimulate new investment in other industries. For example, in the production of the same construction equipment, trucks, etc.

Thirdly, the dynamics of construction is an indicator of what will happen to the economy in the future. Appropriate indicators — indicators indicators of economic development for at least the short and medium term.

Fourth, the weight of construction in the economy is quite large: about 7% in recent years, which is almost two times the weight of agriculture.

So, when was the last time us as key achievements lead the growth of agriculture in may by 2.6% in annual terms), we have to imagine as a multiple of this increase offset by the construction of its much greater weight and rate of fall.

On the background of recent statements by the end of the crisis in 2015, against the background of triumphant reports on the results of the Petersburg international economic forum, amid loud the visit of the President to China, etc. as something obvious dissonance is the data about the current results of development of such key sectors as construction. However, these results give a more realistic picture of what is really going on with our economy. She continues to be in crisis, although sometimes, indeed, it may seem that all the most terrible behind.

There are no miracles. If it is a structural crisis, and this is the case, and besides, he’s still burdened by external shocks in the form of low oil prices (less than $50 per barrel is low, our economy prices and sanctions, while all this remains (structural problems, oil prices, sanctions) will remain and the crisis.

And it is the state of construction in this period should sober up those who for some reason decided that it was all over. It is, by the way, at the same time provides hints on what to pay special attention, if we are still to recover from the current economic reality.

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