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Competent business advice from Poroshenko

Грамотные бизнес-советы от Петра Порошенко

Often Petro Poroshenko surprised the world community for its vibrant and expressive speeches. One need only recall the endless accusations towards Russia and alleged evidence, which plunged the world into shock” (a piece of the bus, a Russian passport and so on). In addition to mind and the speech of the President that Ukraine is a powerful country with the strongest army in Europe. How many times Peter said this? Honestly, I lost count.

Got the impression that all of his speech, the commander-in-chief of Ukraine says after drinking a glass, or even two, because to say “this” sober is simply not possible.

Here, judge for yourself, who can openly declare that Ukraine is a gold mine for investors? In a country at war, the economy is so shattered that many of the factories, shops and businesses are closed due to losses. People remain without work, and a paltry cents, which is given to those who have not lost their places, barely enough just to pay the rent, but to buy the most necessary food. So what kind of investment and attractiveness of said Poroshenko?

Does he really believe that the investors with whom he spoke in Malaysia during an official visit, will run to invest in this economically destroyed country? Apparently, Yes, believe.

As noted Poroshenko, now is a good time for Malaysian investors to come to Ukraine, where there are significant opportunities in various sectors of the economy. Under the different sectors of the Kiev policies meant agriculture, information technology, aerospace and aviation, defense and high-tech manufacturing.

Of course, these competent business tips hardly anyone of those present at the meeting of the businessmen appreciated, however, as they say, no harm in trying. Can someone do money “dime a dozen”. So why not invest in this economically desperate country, then to once and for all into your minds, that no financial better not to have Affairs.

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