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Company zapenivanie teachers

 Компания по запиныванию учителей

Ekaterinburg, the teacher responded to the rudeness of Vladimir Solovyov.
The teacher of Lyceum №180 Alexander Moiseev on his page on Facebook responded to statements TV presenter, who commented on the words of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev that educators and teachers ought to change their profession and go into business if they want to earn decent money, but the teaching profession is a calling.
In the air of “Vesti FM” Solovyov supported by the head of the government and said that if a person agrees to go to work for 15 thousand rubles — that he is to blame. And the teachers are not entitled to receive more than the police, because they do not fall under the bullets, or higher than bankers, and have the more “how drunk joy” they need to get more of him (besides, as noted by Solovyov himself, he does not receive, but earns).
Moreover, the host accused the teachers that they are not responsible for the quality of education, they do not raise children — and that they grow up bad people, and in rural areas is generally bad. It’s the teachers fault that the students after school hate them.
According to him, teaching is only “the rabble”, which never may come, and, consequently, graduates of such universities are not the best.
What is written of Moses, we put the unadorned. Whose up side is your business.

My God, what an abomination.
Why is this scum can with impunity say that?
But what kind of country is this? First, second person of state gave the go-ahead, and now vile vicious dog — arrogant, not afraid of anything, absolutely boorish — launches campaign to zapisywania teachers. Thus given the start of the mass persecution of teachers as a class? That is the main propagator**don of the country openly calls for the final collapse of the education system not only from above but from below? Hands and tongues all “hard workers” who now can say with clear conscience: “but think of it , what teacher, what the job… Nehru to pay them… let the machine stand up…”
I fucking stood at the bench. Twelve-hour shifts. The foundry in the workshop of the plastics. Believe me, work at the plant is simpler and easier than to work as a teacher.
I also was engaged in oil development. And developed by our company back in 2007 the project went into major Russian oil producing companies. Believe me, it’s not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
I worked in outdoor advertising, leased retail space, opened the car, he headed departments, had containers on optovke in the nineties, had his own fishing shop in the zero, developed and conducted business training and seminars, taught Latin, etc. etc…
I have many skills. But I made a conscious choice to return to school. Because I have — I think — leave it to children. I thought that we can instill in children respect for themselves, their work, their Homeland, history, language and culture. It turns out, all of this is useless nonsense, and the teacher is the loser who never took except in the pedagogical Institute.
“There is no mind — go to the PED”. Old annoying student saying that our wise man, apparently, decided to introduce into the minds.
By the way, when I made my first conscious choice to go to work in the school, I was still only on the third course and the fourth — already passed the first exam on the category.
So. I will not be lost. And all the dogs of propaganda, as the experience of history and could end up very bad.

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