Home / Medicine / Chinese doctors have figured out how to protect the heart from a heart attack

Chinese doctors have figured out how to protect the heart from a heart attack

Китайские медики придумали, как уберечь сердце от инфаркта The secret is in the rejection of harmful products.

Chinese scientists have noticed that in the province Guizhou, where more than 500,000 people for three years has not happened a single death from heart attack among the elderly. Similar results were obtained in Uganda, where 632 the elderly man is the only one suffered from a heart attack. Meanwhile, diseases of the heart and blood vessels is one of the main causes of death in Europe.

Resistance to heart disease can not be explained only Chinese or African genes, which was proved by observation of immigrants, the main role is played by nutrition. According to Chinese scientists, the easiest and fastest way to protect the heart and blood vessels – is to abandon fast food and TRANS fats and every day to eat a serving of any berries: blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, cranberries, grapes, Goji, or mixtures thereof. For sustainable results it is necessary to permanently change your diet in favor of plant foods.

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