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China thoroughly undertook the outdoors

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According to the publication South China Morning Post, the Chinese authorities launch the largest project in the world weather. It is not excluded that the used technologies will become the basis for climate weapons.

According to the publication, the essence of the project in the creation of artificial clouds over the Tibetan plateau. This should give good rains to replenish the basin of the yellow river. It is assumed that in the year thus it will be possible to produce up to five billion cubic meters of water.

As stated by the Director Chinchaycocha University van Guantan, “between the boundary layer and troposphere the atmosphere is stable, orderly channel for the transport of water vapor, called the “Heavenly river”. Scientists propose to circulate in the sky special chemicals using launched missiles and aircraft.

I must admit that many Chinese experts, the initiative was very skeptical. Talking about the enormous costs and the lack of experimental data about the reliability of the project.

At the same time, as stated by Vice-Governor of Qinghai province, Han Jianhua, a project “the Celestial river” took first place in the five-year plan for the territory. Already approved the allocation of money for the purchase of aircraft, which will distribute chemicals. The Central government in Beijing, while saying that this initiative of the authorities of the province, and they are responsible for it.


In principle, the Chinese can understand. Over the past 70 years, the country is dry 27 thousand large and small rivers. Drought only this September in Gansu province, suffered for six million people, lost crop value of half a billion dollars. The solution to the problem of drainage regions appears to be a priority.

But if you can create clouds and make somewhere Livni, who will guarantee that some politicians do not come to mind to flood geopolitical rival?

In 1977 the UN adopted a resolution on the inadmissibility of the use of technology changes the environment for hostile purposes. But is it resolution stopped heads of state, when the effect promised to be really ambitious?

Doctor of technical Sciences Igor Ostretsov, which in the Soviet time he worked on the effects on the climate for military purposes, he said that while people worry about:

— Chinese programme for the rains may not form the basis for the development of climate weapons. In Moscow, all the clouds disperse, there’s nothing unique. The initiation of rain is always associated with the direction and strength of wind, how much moisture it carries. The idea is that the wind can “upset” and cause the rain. But it will not be a large flow of water, which will wash away. Besides, such actions are quite expensive. Chemicals cost a lot. For example, for a holiday rich in Moscow it can be done, but to solve the problem of agriculture will not work.

“SP”: — in General, can significantly influence the weather?

— It is theoretically possible to influence the weather, in terms of General Geophysics and magnetosphere. For example, it is possible to change the atmospheric pressure. But all these works were in their infancy and for many years, absolutely no progress. Today, the real physical developments, influencing the weather is not.

Can the question of experiments. But in reality, no experiments there. A strong influence on weather is the emission into the atmosphere of water vapor and carbon dioxide. It really is greatly affects the climate of the Earth. But it’s not managed funds, albeit man-made. Some purely physical mechanisms targeting today, no.

In 1970-e years, I proposed a plan exposure to the weather. Talking about the global impact on the climate by changing the parameters of the magnetosphere of the Earth. But it was only a question, no experiments have been conducted. In my opinion, the impact could be strong. Since then nobody cared. This is to put a sufficiently powerful plasma flows in the magnetosphere.

Chief researcher, the Main geophysical Observatory im. Voeikov Andrey Kiselev believes that the danger is not so much a hypothetical meteorological weapons, how much global climate change:

— Chinese project will be tested in life. Now it is simply impossible to say that the idea is disastrous or quite correct.

People long been trying to actively influence nature. However, while it was a failed attempt. Now it is striking the scale of the initiative. In principle, China has economic power and can afford the multi-billion dollar projects.

China is one of those countries where in some regions there is an acute shortage of fresh water. So the line of thinking here is dictated by vital necessity. Some physical processes are certainly going, to scientists they are — not a secret. In any layer of air, such as water vapor and is present in considerable quantity. The question is how to use it for the benefit of man.

To say that everything is invented, it is impossible. But the project is complex, from both a scientific and technical point of view.

“SP”: — If it is possible to induce rain artificially, the question arises about the climate weapon. After all at desire it is possible to flood the enemy.

— Development of meteorological weapon were conducted in the USA and the USSR in 1970-80-ies. But then this idea have refused. For obvious reasons: the weather weapon is extremely unreliable.

Imagine you have created a cloud, it was filled with something malicious and directed at a potential enemy. But the circulation of the atmosphere, that is, the transfer of the masses, is not stable. There is no such that all the mass of air moving continuously in one direction. There are places where there’s, say, Northwest migration. But that doesn’t mean he is always like that. This means that in the event of a change of direction of the wind, the toxic cloud may be above you.

However, I do not exclude that some secret development for this part is still underway.

“SP”: — Can cause not only rain, but a drought?

— I understand that it can be done. Speaking of life, the distance between Russia and the United States is very large. Drought can cause inefficient irrigation, but it will be the result of its own activities, rather than enemy action. Remote control natural phenomena is impossible.

Another thing is, global warming causes climate instability. The whole climate system out of equilibrium. When the balance is disturbed, the probability of disasters increases.

“SP”: — That is, the main problem is not climate weapon, and overall climate change?

— Yes, we already face serious consequences, they are unlikely to diminish in the near future. Humanity has no effective measures to prevent climate change.

The increase in natural disasters is clearly visible in the statistics. For example, in the far East massive floods used to happen about once in 110 years and once in 20 years. This is the data for the last few centuries. Now floods have become more frequent.

Certainly, many have noticed a new feature: now there is no clear separation between seasons, the seasons are replaced by smoothly, at least in the North-Western region of Russia. And over time, anomalies will be more.

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