Home / Economy / China and Russia agreed to facilitate transit traffic through Kazakhstan

China and Russia agreed to facilitate transit traffic through Kazakhstan

КНР и Россия решили упростить транзитные грузоперевозки, проходящие через Казахстан

Russia and China have simplified the delivery of goods from Chinese Xinjiang in the Russian Federation by transit through Kazakhstan, having cancelled necessity of registration of the customs Declaration.

“Delivery of goods from Xinjiang to Russia through the territory of Kazakhstan between Russia and China there is no border crossing in Xinjiang. All goods that are transported from Xinjiang to Russia, were unloaded in Kazakhstan for customs inspection. Now trucks only need to register when you transit through Kazakhstan”, — said the head of the transport Bureau of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region Ilham Abolita.

According to him, before the trucks loaded with goods had to spend on the road one week to get to Russia. Now this time will be reduced to two days.

The new mechanism would play an important role in the development of bilateral trade.

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