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Checking for lice

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If you drive in the Internet search engine the words “ATO” and “crime”, then a value of 0.67 sec. you will be given approximately 187 thousand. A wide range of references. Crimes in the military operation zone, a crime upon returning home. Murder, robbery, participation in raids, rape, robbery.

“Beat a prostitute to avoid paying”, “Scored roommate, unhappy with his drunkenness,” “In the perverted form raped the very young”, “Shot at cops”, “Sadistically tortured old men and women, accusing them of aiding the separatists,” “Killed himself, because he could not accept the attitude of others”…

Or here. Trials against the Punisher. Monkey jump around the buildings and directly in the conference rooms – a gang of accomplices, led by the people’s deputies, discourage murderers and rapists from those, even minimum, sentences that make zakoshmarennymi judges.

Other links. Resentment punitive ungrateful fellows that emit the characters from the bus, spit in the face, refuse to listen to memoirs about how they pacified the rebellious population of Donbass. And that stupid beat, and, in the most unexpected situations. Came, for example, punitive put them raiding to earn some money, and ran for protection – it’s possible, consisting of the same thugs as they are. The police is looking – visual signal is not present. Yes, and the police are in fact full of veterans…

The heroic image of the cyborg pales with great speed, and stories about the greatness of the punitive operation against its own citizens increasingly disgust and hatred. Harder to maintain the myth of odlicnih the knights, not getting any help from pathetic vertici or lyric-heroic ritual of the guitar. And without the myth of the sad. The feeling of self-righteousness in the heart there – the farther away the thrill of impunity, schooling irresponsibility, absolute bestial permissiveness commonplace in the war zone, the more nightmares. Even if you admit that you went to fight with the hordes of armored cavalry Buryats, how to explain to their children why you raped minors, looted, robbed and killed local? After all, it seems to have come to protect them from invaders?

Much has changed in regard to the heroic fighters against the civilian population, even in Europe. In Germany, for example, to meet with the Punisher, full of inspirational stories, no one came. Here absolutely. To listen was none. Even representatives of the Diaspora with the ensign and chants was not. I don’t know why – whether Ukraine finally zadolbala washerseast, whether at the local there was still confusion in connection with those whom they supported for three years.

But – Hark! Not all have turned away and spit. Support came from not waiting. Moscow Sakharov center organized an exhibition of “Direct gaze”, which exhibited, including photos of the winners of the international competition, the center held. Photo reports about the ATO eyes Loikaw and Vasyukovich was recognized as the best.

About Vasyukovich can not say anything. But Loyko – the well-known character. The odes that he sang and sings cyborg, even knocked out a total of a number of hymns. In the picture, which makes Loikaw, punitive invariably look heroes, knights without fear and without reproach, honestly performing heavy feat, a truly dashing lads, the defenders of the Motherland – from whom? About it it is advisable to think about. Otherwise you’ll have myself to answer the question – why, when you threw the bloody booze in the center of Kiev, it was a great popular protest, but when the residents of Donbass not want to live in the imposed Nazi reality, it was a sufficient reason to bomb and shell their cities and villages, killing children?

So poetiziruet people fearlessly went to kill fellow citizens, often, looters and murderers, as it does Loyko, very few people on the shoulder. Residents of Donbass and normal people without pots on their heads may not, without disgust to read his epic about the Donetsk airport, which the efforts of the executioners turned to dust, and roughly the same respect and kartinochki.

But they are recognized as the best exhibited in the Sakharov center to the delight of a special unit of the Moscow deaf-blind, but very talkative mammal, not tired to enjoy Ukrainian Peremoga, gains and swithan.

These can’t reason with anything, although even that show some, quite Ukrainian, channels, rip the head of any half-decent person. Or chronicle of the criminal exploits of punitive or reports of looting in the area of ATO, no stories about how they behave outside of this zone, nothing can shake the conviction of a liberal that the current Ukraine is a model of democracy, freedoms and human rights, to which the Russian must necessarily follow.

So, the exhibition at the Sakharov centre, a famous defendant in a number of scandals opened, but admiration is not all. Artist Anton Belikov came to see, and sprayed the pictures with spray paint. The next day there were other people organized a protest, which, of course, not irreproachable from the point of view of ethics and aesthetics, what strenuously insist critics.

We can, however, take this action out of the equation, after all, require perfect gentleman behavior in a situation, it is absolutely provocative and vile, would be weird.

In the liberal camp immediately swept a wave of indignation. Actionists called thugs sent by the government, scum, wool, Russian Nazi stormtroopers, Putin’s obsequious vassals, the offspring of Kafka and Bosch, which is especially delivers. For anything more Kafkaesque than to bomb and block to fire and deprive the products of light, water of its own citizens, thus “saving” them from themselves, to not think. Ardent fans of Ukraine nail the vandals, hereiamlive profusely and assured shanovny panstvo that wherever there is a nasty separatists, the crime situation is no worse than pre-Maidan Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaporizhia. But just a couple of clicks in Google to see statistics…

Moaning “the only island of freedom in the evil mad country”, “brave honest last Bastion of truth” is beautifully complemented by the painful revelations of the Director of the Center Lukashevskogo that the society de infected with hatred, so the public conversation about the war in Ukraine in Russia is impossible. Apparently, it was planned that inspired soldiers face Kurbatov society will add a bit of love and kindness.

And while the liberal scatty smatterers Ukrainian-Russian origin metal thunder and lightning for the first time and against its detractors, somehow completely unnoticed interview Anton Belikov FAN site, in which the artist calmly and clearly explained his motivation.

I myself am not a radical, not an extremist, ordinary scholar quiet… I can only say important thing: how we react to things is the answer to a fundamentally important question: do we? We are here because of the gas transportation system? Or do we have something, some values that make us us? We constantly check. Society check what is a sensitive issue for us, and in those moments poked us in these sore spots. Quite consciously and consistently … we poke, check in – we still feel in this place or not, and we do not care. I want to say no. We care about…”.

In fact, the action of Anton is his personal reaction to what is happening, his act of civil courage in his desperate attempt to at least lightly cover the Overton window, which is already whistling hurricane.

Sakharov center, meanwhile, always more than sympathetic to Maidan events. In 2014, the year of Ukrainian independence was among the candidates for the Sakharov prize of freedom – in the summer of 2014, he was seen as the nominee. Then already in full swing burned and blew up the Donbass, who came to punish the Ukrainian army and battalions of Nazi thugs, and the Russian liberals brought independence in the shortlist of contenders for the award.

And this time – with photos of the victorious at the visitor center looked bright open nepolzhivye behalf of the knights of freedom – as though in Moscow in the midst of the great Patriotic suddenly earned exhibition of photos of beautiful and tall blond German guys in uniform, romantic fun liberators of Europe from Bolshevism…damn

Check, which says Anton, alas, has shown almost total indifference of society to what is happening. Several hundred “Fi” and “fu” in social networks and websites, curses against vandals destroyed several of the paper prints, and silence. The calendar is closed and the sheet.

The window of opportunity opened a bit wider…

Author Nura N. Berg

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