Home / Policy / But if the Kremlin begins to use the American method of explosion of the state from the inside?

But if the Kremlin begins to use the American method of explosion of the state from the inside?

А если Кремль начнёт использовать американский метод взрыва государства изнутри?

In the United States developed techniques of explosion of unwanted States from the inside. So they become adept in this matter that would, with interest, to blow up the Paradise of the Lord. Does not matter that the state can live well and not even have opposition, No matter its military power. Yes, in General nothing matters. Against such American scrap virtually no reception. Want examples? Please.

Iraq. A rigid dictatorship and no opposition. However, when it was organized by the Americans the moment of truth, it quickly became clear that many of those who relied on Saddam, turned out to be overbought; and betrayed their leader. That is, in the role of the opposition were not any outcasts from the streets and basements, and just did the pillars of dictatorship, loyal Cerberus Hussein.

Libya, aka the socialist people’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. After 42 years of successful government, and its leader Muammar Gaddafi to a certain point it seemed that there is not just no anti-government sentiment, but to take them nowhere. The country has developed a very high standard of living. In Libya went to work not only migrant workers from Third world countries, but also European specialists.

The political field was also stripped of any signs of opposition. But there comes hour “h” and “suddenly” as from under the earth burst to the surface active, numerous, and surprisingly well-trained opponents of the regime. This was the so-called rebels are financed from abroad. NATO only helped them to victory, and to turn the country into ruins.

Yugoslavia. One of the highest living standards of all socialist countries. Unseen by socialist standards the level of freedom. No one is oppressed, the Church, the Yugoslavs quietly went to work in Western Germany. For ethnic hatred, too, as if there was a reason – every major nation had its own Republic, and with a high level of economic independence. In Nations less – Autonomous region. But when it took the masters of the world – turned into a flaming torch.

A prosperous country that does not want to join the West, disappeared from the political map of the world.

The experience of the destruction of the great powers, the Soviet Union shows that, skillfully, you can blow up any country, any society. And, as mentioned above, plays no role in the standard of living in this country, as well as the presence or absence of legal opposition. In the USSR too there was no legal opposition, and the leading role of the Communist party was spelled out in the Constitution. Just the first of the Communists, all those of Gorbachev, Yeltsin, Yakovlev, Popov, Gaidar, Yavlinsky, Shevardnadze and others – have become the destroyers of the Soviet Union. And not funny stupid dissidents, which meant nothing and which no one takes seriously.

And now, NATO rattles the saber at the borders of today’s Russia, makes various provocations and leads hybrid war in Ukraine, only a puppet to divert attention. But, as in the case of the USSR, the open attack on Russia will not. Will be undermining the state from within. Even where the West could, in principle, to win in a direct head-on collision, he studiously avoids, acting precisely on the principle of explosion inside. So what can we then say about Russia, which is able to repulse any aggressor!

In principle, the traitors can always be found, but an important influential traitors of the inner circle of the President. They were Stalin, ate with him at the table, looked in his mouth, guessed his thoughts, showing loyalty to the Leader. And in 1953, when he felt that Stalin was ready to make a “changing of the guard”, they killed Stalin and Beria. In the Soviet Union was a double coup, after which the Soviet Union became a completely different country. And this was not at the hands of some smuggled from abroad whites or returning from the camp of the Trotskyists. It was his closest “associates”.

Shouldn’t the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to pay attention to their surroundings? Safer and will produce in time a “changing of the guard”, aware that no one is irreplaceable, and the deficit only faithful companions. And if in Russia there will be “orange” or a Palace coup, it will be done by the hands of those closest to the President, who is closest to power and offers real possibilities for such a coup. It hinted even Mikhail Khodorkovsky, himself not averse to apresidential.

A tiny amount of key figures-traitors and some passive sheep among ordinary performers and the hat! Those who openly oppose the government are much less more dangerous than those who openly and loudly in favor of power – thus discrediting the government, and while still disguised as loyal to the authorities.

Well when “Misha two percent” openly opposed the government, promising to return Crimea to the Ukrainians. such Ruler is not dangerous. “A barking dog does not bite”. be wary in the grass and the deathly vipers. Silent do not all agree. The main and most dangerous enemies are the people from among those who were the first and loudest to agree with you. Betray – just his own. More precisely, those who were considered her – because I never argued and all agreed. For the ruler of the most difficult – is to determine who your friends are, and who disguised enemy. It affects the lives of the President and the fate of the state. If out of ten retired associates, only one is a dangerous traitor, and such resignation will be a boon for the state.

And so I ask myself, what interferes with the Kremlin threatening to turn us weapons undermine Russia from the inside against the United States? With the same expected effect that happened to the great Country of the Soviets. And the US is not as monolithic as they seem. A dream States to secede from the US and ahead of Texas, comparable in economic importance to Germany. We need to actively work to take this example of our implacable enemy. “SIM conquer!”


Materials http://smi2.mirtesen.ru/blog/43557831325/Rossiyu-budut-vzryivat-iznutri?

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