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Olga Buzova walking around Rome in tasteless outfits

instagram.com/buzova86 Recently the husband of Olga Buzovoy, footballer Dmitry Tarasov was seriously injured. The athlete was sent for treatment in Italy, where he has already had surgery. The presenter went after her husband: the blonde spent at the bedside of a loved one for a few days. instagram.com/buzova86 Now Dmitry …

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Regardie took custody of the children’s camp “Artek”

The staff of the Federal service of national guard troops (Regardie) started guarding the Sevastopol research reactor and the international children camp “Artek”. This was announced by Deputy Director of Regardie Lieutenant-General Oleg Borukaev. “From the very beginning of the annexation of Crimea brigade was formed. Its task is to …

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Icebreaker. Trailer # 2

Real story that happened in 1985 with the icebreaker “Mikhail Gromov”, which, avoiding collision with the largest iceberg was jammed in the ice near Antarctica. This is a story about the courage of the crew, in the darkness of polar night and severe cold fought 133 days with the natural …

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