Home / Economy / British businessmen support the Kingdom’s exit from EU

British businessmen support the Kingdom’s exit from EU

Британские бизнесмены поддерживают выход королевства из ЕС

More than 300 entrepreneurs from the United Kingdom, representatives of both large and small businesses and support the UK out of the EU. According to the newspaper The Daily Telegraph, they encourage ordinary Britons to vote in the referendum, which will take place on June 23, for independence from the EU.

Businessmen believe that the Kingdom membership in the European community has a negative impact on the competitiveness of British companies. According to them, bureaucratic red-tape from Brussels is strangling millions of businesses and withdrawal from the EU will create new jobs.

Thus, they presented the opposite point of view, one that adheres to the International monetary Fund. Previously the managing Director of the IMF Christine Lagarde said that a British exit from the EU, threatened to collapse the pound sterling. As a result, suffer both trade and investment, and productivity, which inevitably will be reflected in reducing the cost of the GDP of the United Kingdom.

A referendum on the fate of a further stay in the UK in the EU will be held June 23. Public opinion was divided almost equally.

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