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Between two worlds: 12 unique polupodvizhnym photos. Photo

Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. ФотоAccording to the author of these unusual images, the attraction to water he had, as long as he remembered.

This amazing series of photographs called “Over/Under” (Over/Under).

Its author, photographer Matthew Smith, an Englishman, who, because of their compulsion to the ocean in 2007 he moved to live in Australia. According to the author of these unusual images, the attraction to water he had, as long as he remembered. First early memories of Matthew is scuba diving during a family holiday on the French coast of the Mediterranean sea. It was then that he first with great interest I began to observe how it behaves unusually light on the vibrating surface of the sea and deep blue water. This childhood hobby determined his future life. Matthew became a famous photographer who specializiruetsya in the pictures above and under water simultaneously. On his account there are a lot of prestigious awards in various international competitions, including the title “nature Photographer of 2014”. View these amazing shots at the junction of two worlds: above and under water.

Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото
Между двух миров: 12 уникальных полуподводных фотографий. Фото

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