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Auschwitz: a tour of the death camp. Photo

Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. ФотоThis Museum is an eerie memorial to the war.

More recently, the name of this concentration camp were brought upon people the horror. Now it attracts many tourists who want to walk in the footsteps of death and see the eerie place that has become a tomb for hundreds of thousands of people (according to different sources from one million to one and a half million people).

Auschwitz II (also known as Birkenau) is what is usually meant, actually speaking about Auschwitz. There were 4 gas chambers and crematorium 4. Now in the territory of the former concentration camp is a Museum created by the poles in 1947. The creators of the Museum tried to convey the horrifying atmosphere of inhuman torture and humiliation.

It is impossible not to feel the evil of which humankind is capable. Tourists can see only two barracks in sanitary and habitable. We invite you to see how everything was arranged.

Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото
Аушвиц: экскурсия по лагерю смерти. Фото

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