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At a secret meeting of the G20 agreed to get rid of the US dollar.


The American ship of state is sinking and, according to Dr. Willie, this abandoned ship.

На секретной встрече G20 договорились избавиться от доллара США. In the next video, USA Watchdog (Dr. Jim Willie – Secret Meeting at the G20 to Take Down the US Dollar) carrying on a conversation with Dr. Jim Willie about the recent meeting of the G20, and the increasingly difficult position of the United States, in which the state was due to the incompetence of Barack Obama. To the delight of those who keep their savings at home, the interview begins with Dr. Pat Willie on the shoulder for his accurate prediction made a few weeks ago. Its essence is to ensure that the United States will soon become extremely isolated on the world stage. Right now, the U.S. is no longer able to find any allies willing to help us to bomb Syria. This is because the U.S. has taken an unacceptable position in terms of war and monetary policy, and both directions are linked.

The major media of the USA is so absurdly unfair that they let these degenerates, as John Kerry (“Rambo”) and Obama continue to represent the Syrian crisis as a human rights problem, the illegal use of chemical weapons and civilian tragedy. The truth is that almost all actions taken there, directed against the US and aim us dollar. The American ship of state is sinking and, according to Dr. Willie, this abandoned ship.

Dr. Willie says that the situation it can be described as follows: at the G20 summit the Obama team is sitting in the corner, taking incoming fire every five minutes regarding the monetary policy of USA and Putin, showing him the middle finger, all the while laughing.

It’s not just the stories of Jim Willie. After the interview, the expert in the field of financial wars of the CIA Jim Rickards has written an article entitled “was there a secret meeting at the G20 summit on the theme “getting rid of the dollar”?

Recall that financial expert Peter Schiff also said that: “the dollar Collapse will be the largest event in the history of mankind”. Only people who haven’t realized it yet, still continue to listen, like idiots, Obama and top U.S. media.

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